"Learn to forgive the poets..."

Learn to forgive the poets.

Don’t reprove

for too much zeal,

when words turn cruel and rough.

We’re wonder workers –

we attempt to move

not mountains,

but hearts of those we love.

Learn to ignore the passion,

when it’s spilled,

like blood on snow,

onto the turning pages.

Poetic hearts, though tame,

cannot be stilled.

They’re wild beasts

that sleep in metal cages.

Learn to provide for poets,

to accept

supporting roles

by which we are inspired

and learn to drain

until there’s nothing left,

then drain some more

to keep alive the fire.

But mostly, learn to listen:

that’s the art!

To see eternity

in evanescent moments.

Once you detect

their faintly beating hearts,

then (only then!),

you’ll learn to love your poets.