"The original sin..."

The original sin

of the Founding Fathers -

a system wherein

a man has to barter

to provide for his kin

by becoming a martyr,

sacrificing his skin

at the start, - a nonstarter!

He's behind in the race

for the liberty bell,

he’s been told to keep pace

or it doesn’t end well, -

finish line is replaced

by the bars of the cell

and he’s left, face to face,

staring into himself.

He knows - justice is blind

and the jail is packed,

so he’s stuck in a bind

and unable to act,

he’s been trailing behind

in the dust of the track,

in the order assigned

a few centuries back.

It’s his everyday norm

and it goes on and on,

he is told to conform

though he’s second to none,

and the blue uniform

has a hand on the gun,

but this time he’s informed,

and refusing to run.

And the spectating crowd

pushes up to the front,

they are angry and loud,

quick to slander and taunt.

He's been running around

to their constant affront.

Now he's standing his ground -

let them do what they want.

He will not be oppressed,

he will not play the part,

he just stands there, at rest,

he’s refusing to start.

It’s his personal quest -

his peculiar art!

The whole system is stressed

and it crumples apart.