Sleepless blues

I fear what's to come just as much as what's taken place,

I fear what's to come just as much as what's taken place,

I am willing to peel off my skin in attempts to save face.

I was born in this skin and it continues to fit like glove,

I was born in this skin and it continues to fit like glove,

There is plenty of Russian in me that I continue to love.

But I'm ready today to renounce it all in exchange,

Yes I'm ready today to renounce it all in exchange

For the end to the war that my leaders insist we must wage.

I'll denounce it all and become just a man with no past,

I'll denounce my home and become just a man with no past,

I will walk into silence of gardens where no shadow is cast.

Let the the concrete and metal return to their previous form,

Let the houses we bombed return to their previous form, -

Whatever it takes, this can never become the new norm.

Let's rewind the clock and uncover the mirror again,

Let us set up the table, and uncover the mirror again,

So the one who walked off can return and be hero again.

Noah's Ark of the subway is filled to the brim, to the brink,

Noah's Ark of the subway is filled to the brim, to the brink,

And the cargo's too precious, the vessel you're on cannot sink.

I will never return to myself, he's not here, he is gone,

The youth I've adored is erased, it's not there, it is gone,

And the future just flails about in attempt to move on.

And my fingers type words in attempt to make sense of the world,

And my mind seeks new rhymes in attempt to create a new world,

And it crumbles around me, too frail, too fragile to hold.