"Shivers down the spine..."

Shivers down the spine -

There must be a draft.

Mowing, line by line,

Death perfects her craft,

With a steady hand,

And no animus.

Upright bodies bend,

All - anonymous.

Scarier than death

Or some pointed gun

Is the vacuum left

When the neighbor's gone,

And the piercing gaze

Of the neighbor's dog

That remains in place

In the morning fog.

O, those trusting eyes,

What is it they crave?

What did they surmise?

Can they see his grave?

Soon you'll get the call.

Just like that - you're in,

Back against the wall,

Much to your chagrin.

Fight if you have fists,

Fly if you have wings,

But you must resist

Senseless state of things!

Generals are hoarse,

Troops - in disarray,

Trampling a corpse

Camouflaged in clay.

Features disappear.

Man becomes a lump,

Other lumps adhere

To a bigger clump.

As this cancer spreads,

Multiplies, protrudes,

Its momentum sheds

Living attributes.

Every human trait,

Seeped in this abuse,

Will begin to fade

Out of common use.

Zombies by design

Burn the kerosene

On assembly lines

Of the war machine.

Die if it's your will,

Only cleanse this earth

Of the hate instilled

In you since your birth

By the fiend who sits

In his bunker, who

Wouldn't give two shits

For the lot of you.

Let him taste your blood

And I hope he chokes,

And, - if there's a God -

Then, I pray he croaks.