"Beyond the silence..."

Beyond the silence is a no man’s land, -

The less we say the heavier each sound,

The more illegible ones’ writing in shorthand,

The harder it becomes to stand your ground.

Words don’t come easy, what is there to say?

Used up ad nauseam, and all to no avail.

Say what you will, but one will be the prey

And one the hunter, nipping at the tail.

A turn of phrase, but one that will not bend.

And I’m no strongman, tired of pretending.

A game of words, when drawing to its end,

Becomes a contest of the last man standing.

So many words left hanging in the air,

The air so dense that you can barely draw

A breath without exertion, well aware

You’re suffocating, clutching for a straw.

And we both know what broke the camel’s back.

But I’ll be here. Beside you. Do not worry.

Let all the words dissolve, fade into black…

It’s you and I. Full stop. End of the story.