"The NRA feeds us serenades..."

The NRA feeds us serenades and rose petals,

Dishing out accolades and award medals,

Fairy-tales of how the good guy with a gun meddles,

Sends the hoodlum on the run, and he backpedals,

How this armed rebel with his arm leveled saves the United States

But after the dust settles, we are united in dire straights…

In the calls for salvation from the PULSE of the nation

In the sea of carnations where the rainbow runs red.

In unbearable swelter, they were looking for shelter,

Hand in hand as they held to all the hope that they had.

So fuck the preacher offended, with his calls to rejoice,

Fuck big money intended to suppress public voice,

And fuck the second amendment protecting your toys

That you wouldn't surrender for the lives of those boys.