"Sure enough, - my hot tea cooled..."

"I unconsciously put on my left hand

The glove that belonged on my right."

-A.A. Akhmatova

Sure enough, - my hot tea cooled,

Captain Crunch was all mush

and, walking out, my hand pulled

on the door that read “PUSH.”

I got off on the wrong foot,

I woke up on the wrong side,

and I pulled up my right boot

on the foot that was not right.

I took a right on the left turn

and I strayed in the cul-de-sac.

One would think that I would learn

to retrace all my steps back,

but my life is a tangled mess,

and each step is one more knot.

I’ll be waiting for you, I guess.

Soon, you’ll come for me. Or not.