I am a labor economist with primary research interests in the economics of education.
Contact Details
Email: andrew.hill6@montana.edu
Office hours: please email for an appointment (Linfield Hall 313)
Working Papers
The Effects of Partisan Elections on Political and Policy Outcomes: Evidence from North Carolina School Boards (with Daniel Jones and Breyon Williams) [link]
Biased expectations, memory and overconfidence in higher education (with Mariana Carerra and Trevor Vogel)
The Mitigating Effects of Unemployment Insurance on Short-Run Mortality (with Isaac Swensen and Krishna Regmi)
Hill, Andrew J. and Melissa LoPalo. "The Effects of Online vs In-Class Testing in Moderate-Stakes College Environments." Economics of Education Review 98 (2024). [link]
Hill, Andrew J., Daniel B. Jones, and Lindsey Woodworth. "Physician-Patient Race-Match Reduces Patient Mortality." Journal of Health Economics 92 (2023). [link]
(Selected media mentions: NPR: Hidden Brain)Weina Zhou and Andrew J. Hill. "The Spillover Effects of Parental Verbal Conflict on Classmates' Cognitive and Noncognitive Outcomes." Economic Inquiry 61.2 (2023): 342-363. [link] [appendix]
Hill, Andrew J. and Weina Zhou. "Peer Discrimination in the Classroom and Academic Achievement." Journal of Human Resources 58.4 (2023): 1178-1206 [link]
Hancock, Stacey A. and Andrew J. Hill. "The Effect of Teammate Personality on Team Production." Labour Economics 78 (2022): 102248 [link] [appendix]
Hill, Andrew J., and Daniel B. Jones. "Self-fulfilling prophecies in the classroom." Journal of Human Capital 15.3 (2021): 400-431. [link]
Hill, Andrew J., and Daniel B. Jones. "Paying for whose performance? Teacher incentive pay and the black-white achievement gap." Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 43.3 (2021): 445-471. [link] [online appendix]
Hill, Andrew J., and Daniel B. Jones. "The effect of school closings on teacher labor market outcomes and teacher effectiveness." Education Finance and Policy (2020): 1-55. [link]
Hill, Andrew J., and Daniel B. Jones. “The impacts of performance pay on teacher effectiveness and retention: Does teacher gender matter?” Journal of Human Resources 55 (2020): 349-385. [link] [paper]
Hill, Andrew J., and Daniel B. Jones. "A teacher who knows me: The academic benefits of repeat student-teacher matches." Economics of Education Review 64 (2018): 1-12. [link]
(Selected media mentions: Chalkbeat, Education Week, The Hechinger Report, New York Times)Hill, Andrew J., and Daniel B. Jones. “Does partisan affiliation impact the distribution of spending? Evidence from state governments' expenditures on education.” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 143 (2017): 58-77. [link]
Hill, Andrew J. “The positive influence of female college students on their male peers.” Labour Economics 44 (2017): 151-160. [link]
(Selected media mentions: Boston Globe)Hill, Andrew J. “State affirmative action bans and STEM degree completions.” Economics of Education Review 57 (2017): 31-40. [link]
(Selected media mentions: National Affairs)Hill, Andrew J. "The girl next door: The effect of opposite gender friends on high school achievement." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 7.3 (2015): 147-177. [link]
(Selected media mentions: The Economist, Marginal Revolution, CBS San Francisco, LSE USAPP Blog)Hill, Andrew J. "The costs of failure: Negative externalities in high school course repetition." Economics of Education Review 43 (2014): 91-105. [link]
Fortin, Nicole M., Andrew J. Hill, and Jeff Huang. "Superstition in the housing market." Economic Inquiry 52.3 (2014): 974-993. [link]
(Selected media mentions: Globe and Mail, MacLeans, Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, Financial Post)Fedderke, Johannes W., and Andrew J. Hill. "Industry structure and labor market flexibility in the South African manufacturing sector: A time series and panel data approach." Economic Modelling 28.3 (2011): 1291-1302. [link]