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I am a senior economist at the Office of the Chief Economist for Latin America and the Caribbean at the World Bank. Before, I was an Associate Professor of the Department of Economics at Universidad de los Andes, and Senior Advisor of the Technical Committee of the Colombian Fiscal Rule. I was also a Visiting Associate Professor at Hong Kong University during 2019. My research interests are in the fields of Economic Development and Public Finance. I have studied the response of households to economic shocks, its consequences, and public policies aimed at smoothing such consequences. Related to this, I am interested in the effect of conflict, economics of crime and incentives to innovation. I hold a Ph.D and M.A. in Economics from UCLA; and an M.A. and B.A. in Economics from Universidad del Rosario.

CONTACT INFORMATIONWorld Bank1850 I St, I 8-159 Washington, DC, United Statesjzambranoriveros@worldbank.orgTwitter: @azambrano0
Last update: 17/06/2024Designed by: Ana M. Vargas