Ancient Gnostic Order of Knights of the Temple of Solomon +++ United States Grand Magistral

Ancient Gnostic Order of Knights of the Temple of Solomon +++ Grand Magisterium of the United States of America +++

The Ancient Gnostic Order of Knights of the Temple of Solomon has also been known as the Ordre du Templi or the French descent lineage of Gnostic Knights Templar. We are the De Molay Preceptory and the St. Mary Magdalene Commandery with the Office of the Grand Magisterium located here in the United States of America. We are a Esoteric and Mystic Christian Templar organization which is an enlightened Order of Gnostic Knights Templar that is not afraid to say that the Ancient Knights Templar were nothing less than Gnostic Knights who believed that before and during the early Catholic and Christian patriarchal religion arose, there was a pure but Underground Stream of succession of the Gnosis. The Ancient Knights of the Temple studied many esoteric branches of spirituality and discovered that true divinity resides within all human beings.

Today the Ancient Gnostic Order of Knights of the Temple of Solomon and the Order of the Temple worldwide has survived to carry on the true and untainted Gnostic Traditions of our ancient Order. We believe fully in the true power of the Divine Feminine which has been the underlying force behind the Knights Templar and the very fabric upon which was spun all true but hidden Religious and Esoteric Spiritual belief systems. Our Charitable works are many as we protect and uphold the true principles of Chivalry in defense of the innocent and the very divine right of Womanhood. We hold that true Templar lineage can be directly traced back to France and after which migrated across Europe and more so after the Templar persecutions of the 1300s.

We also hold that all of the writings of Andrew Sinclair are the presented truth about the Knights Templar and our historical background in relationship to the exploration and founding of America. Today, we acknowledge the Gnostic lineage of the Knights Templar and we believe that the Gnostic Templar Orders are the only Knights Templar Traditions that are valid to all true Seekers of the Templar Gnosis. There have been throughout history Masters of this Gnosis and St. John, Jesus Christ, and Mary Magdalene, were three of the more notable of them.

Today, the Ancient Gnostic Order of Knights of the Temple of Solomon is an order that admits both genders as a KNIGHTS TEMPLAR or CHEVALIER knowing that it is the Divine Spark within the Soul that really matters. We are the Esoteric Custodians of the Hidden Tradition of the Ancient Knights and the Spiritual Successors to the Templar Traditions. Our goals today are the same as the original Order of Knights Templar in that we seek to unify the Templar and Chivalric Orders into a cooperative mindset or consciousness. For far too long has the underlying symmetry between all of the spiritual schools of thought been suppressed by the ignorant, it is time for us to reclaim our rightful Templar inheritance as the expounders of the Gnosis and as those that present the truth in due and proper form. If what we present here is of interest to you and is also how you yourself have felt that true Templarism is really all about, then you are free to apply for membership in the Ancient Gnostic Order of Knights of the Temple of Solomon and the true Order of Templar Brotherhood. Within this Order you will learn the Gnostic Mysteries of the Ancient Order of Knights Templar. +++