"Our lives are not determined by what happened to us, but how we react to what happens; not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst - a spark that creates extraordinary results."  --- Anonymous.

Ananda Shankar Chowdhury

Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Jadavpur University

Kolkata, India.

I am a Professor in the department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (E.T.C.E.) at Jadavpur University (J.U.), India. I served the department as Head for two years (from 03.07.2020 to 02.07.2022). My office room (no. T-5A-2) is located on the 4th floor of Prayukti Bhavan in the main campus of the university. At J.U., I formed the Imaging, Vision and Pattern Recognition (IVPR) group. I am a senior member of IEEE, an IAPR TC-member of Graph based Representations in Pattern Recognition (GbR), and a life member of Indian Unit for Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IUPRAI). I currently serve IEEE Transactions on Image Processing as an Associate Editor, and Pattern Recognition Letters as an Area Editor. Earlier, I had served Springer Nature Computer Science, Pattern Recognition Letters, and IEEE Signal Processing Letters in the capacities of Associate Editor, and Senior Area Editor. I have held invited academic visits to universities in France, Germany, Norway, Italy, The Netherlands, Singapore and Brazil.  

Before joining Jadavpur University, I was a post-doctoral fellow in the department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences at National Institutes of Health, USA for the period August 2007 to December 2008, where I worked under the aegis of Ronald Summers. I obtained my Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Georgia, USA in July 2007. My doctoral thesis adviser was Suchendra Bhandarkar.  During my doctoral years, by co-authoring papers with Robert Robinson, I had earned an Erdӧs Number of 2 for myself. Earlier, I obtained a B.Sc (Hons.) in Physics from Presidency College in 1996, a B.Tech. in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics in 1999, and an M.E. from the department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (E.T.C.E.) at Jadavpur University with a specialization in Computer Engineering in 2001.

Research Interests

My research interests are broadly in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. I am interested in a wide range of theoretical and application problems in this domain, with an emphasis on those arising in Biomedical, Multimedia and Surveillance. In addition, we are interested in topics, like, neuromorphic vision, large-scale image retrieval, and relative saliency. As part of our solutions, we have been exploring graph-theoretic models, level sets, probabilistic methods, and, deep learning algorithms, in isolation, as well as in synergism. Here is a list of problems, we are currently addressing in our group:


Representative Publications

-- R. Roy, S. Mazumdar, A.S. Chowdhury: ADGAN: Attributes Driven Generative Adversarial Network for Synthesis and Multi-class Classification of Pulmonary Nodules, IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. Learn Syst. (TNNLS) 35(2) (2024), 2484 -2495. 

-- A. Sikdar, A.S. Chowdhury: Lightweight Learning for Partial and Occluded Person Re-identification, IEEE Trans. Artif. Intell. (TAI) 6(5) (2024), 3245 3256. 

-- A. Sahu, A.S. Chowdhury: Together Recognizing, Localizing and Summarizing Actions in Egocentric Videos, IEEE Trans. Image Process. (TIP) 30 (2021), 4330 – 4340.

-- R. Panda, S.K. Kuanar, A.S. Chowdhury: Nystrőm approximated temporally constrained multi-similarity spectral clustering approach for movie scene detection, IEEE Trans. Cybern. (TCYB) 48(3) (2018), 836 – 847.

-- S.K. Kuanar, K.B. Ranga, A.S. Chowdhury: Multi-View Video Summarization using Bipartite Matching Constrained Optimum-Path Forest Clustering, IEEE Trans. Multimedia (TMM) 17(8) (2015), 1166 -1173.


--  October 2024 - November 2024: Will visit Phaneendra Yalavarthy at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

--  August 2024: Book titled "Graph Based Multimedia Analysis", with Abhimanyu Sahu, published from Morgan-Kaufmann, Elsevier 

--  June 2024: Arijit's paper on Multi-Class Hippocampus Subfield Segmentation accepted in ICPR 2024

-- Co-organizing G2SP-CV 2024 with Thierry Bouwmans, Jhony Giraldo, and, Badri Subudhi (to be held in conjunction with ICPR 2024)

-- Currently associated with ICPR 2024 (as a Publication Chair), CVIP 2024 (as a TPC chair), and GbR 2025 (as a PC Member)

-- December 2023: Arindam's paper on Lightweight Person Re-identification accepted in IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence

-- November 2023: Invited talk at University of La Rochelle in France, organized by Michel Berthier from MIA research group 

-- October 2023: Invited talk at Laurent Najman's group at ESIEE, University of Gustave Eiffel in France


E-mails:  as.chowdhury[AT]jadavpuruniversity[DOT]in


Phone:  +91-033-2457-2405


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