[ Ana Figueiredo ]

Assistant Professor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

CEPR Research Affiliate

Tinbergen Institute Research Fellow

Labor, Macro, Information Frictions

[ CV ]


Wage Cyclicality and Labor Market Sorting 

AER:Insights, 2022

Wage cyclicality depends on how misaligned workers' skills are relative to their job requirements: for well-matched workers, wages are acyclical, whereas wages of those at the top of the skill mismatch distribution are procyclical.

Mismatch Cycles, with I. Baley and R. Ulbricht

Journal of Political Economy, 2022

During recessions, highly mismatched jobs are destroyed but also created. An equilibrium model of the labor market with directed search, multidimensional sorting, learning about skills, and aggregate shocks accounts for the cyclical dynamics of skill mismatch. 

Coverage: Marginal Revolution


The Illusion Cyclicality in Entry Wages, with Inês Black

We provide evidence that the high cyclicality of new hires' wages is explained by workers switching occupations. 

Labor Market Beliefs and the Gender Wage Gap, with Christine Braun

Labor market beliefs play an important role in the gender wage gap, but matter little for the gender differences in welfare.

Information Frictions in Education and Inequality 

When the college premium is low, the share of college graduates in a school-district is negatively associated with the college enrollment rate of high-school students.This is consistent with a model featuring imperfect information and local learning.

Self-insurance in Turbulent Labor Markets, with I. Baley, C. Mantovani, A. Sepahsalari

The risk of human capital obsolescence decreases reemployment wages and increases savings and unemployment duration.

VU School of Business and Economics

E-mail: a.i.gomesfigueiredo [at] vu.nl

Google Scholar Profile    @ana_gfigueiredo