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Amre Nasr

BSc, MSc, DMESc, PhD.

Professor of Immunology

From my postgraduate experience; I secured more than 14 years experience in molecular biology and Immunology of parasitic protozoa (I have special interest in the malaria parasite). I graduated from the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology at Al-Neelain University in 2000. I joined the Institute of Endemic Diseases (I.E.D), University of Khartoum, as one of the well-recognised research institutes in Sudan working in the field of tropical diseases. I learnt different research methodologies and techniques by which to investigate malarial diseases. This improved my understanding of issues related to study designs, research ethics, samples collection, laboratory analysis and results interpretation. In the I.E.D, I fulfilled the requirements for a Master in Science in nine months. I used PCR to study the immune regulation at the gene level. I was keen to develop an understanding of how molecules can change our life.

Subsequently; I joined the Malaria Research Center (Mal. R.C) at Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum- Sudan. Since 2001, I have been working on drug resistance and the FcγRIIa (CD32) polymorphism among Sudanese patients with Plasmodium falciparum malaria. In October 2008, I was awarded my PhD degree in Immunology from the Department of Immunology, Wenner-Gren Institute, Stockholm University, Sweden. The aim of my thesis is to study the host immune-genetic factors and anti-malarial humoral immunity responses that are associated with susceptibility or resistance to P. falciparum malaria infection among Sudanese subjects.

Currently; I am committed as Academic (teaching/ research) staff at Department of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Kingdom of Saudia Arabia, with a good record of publications in the international journals.