Associate Professor (untenured), Managerial Economics & Decision Sciences, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University


affiliations: NBER (DEV &  PIE);  CEPR (DE, OE, PE & IO); BREAD; CESifo; CIFAR; IGC; Pan-African Research Council; Research Network Sustainable Global Supply Chains

CV    Google Scholar NU faculty page

Research Fields   Economic Development        Organizational Economics          Political Economy 


[7] State Building in a Diverse Society with Ruth Carlitz, Joris Mueller and Philip Osafo-Kwaako

Status: conditionally accepted, Review of Economic Studies

[8] Acquisitions, Management and Efficiency in Rwanda's Coffee Industry   with Rocco Macchiavello 

NBER Working Paper, June 2022

Media coverage: NBER Digest No. 10, Oct 2022

[9] Product Conflation and Deconflation: An Anatomy of a Marketplace Reform   with Isaias Chaves

Status: Working Paper, Nov 2023

[10] Political Economy of the Environment in a (Non-) Democracy

Status: Working Paper, Nov 2023

[11] Clarity and Credibility in Relational Contracts   with Nemanja Antic and Miguel Talamas

         Status: Draft in progressApril 2024

  [12] Demand-Side Incentives and Quality Upgrading in Uganda’s Coffee Chain   with Jie Bai, Lauren Falcao Bergquist, Russell Morton and Yulu Tang

          Status: Draft in progress, slides: Feb 2024                                                 


       [1]  The Value of Democracy: Evidence from Road Building in Kenya [Online Appendix]  with Robin Burgess, Remi Jedwab, Edward Miguel and Gerard Padro i Miquel

            American Economic Review, June 2015

            Media coverage: KelloggInsight;;; AEA Research Highlight           

[2] The Value of Relationships: Evidence from a Supply Shock to Kenyan Rose Exports [Online Appendix]  with Rocco Macchiavello

            American Economic Review, September 2015

            Media coverage: KelloggInsight; AEA Research Highlight; Microeconomic Insights                   

        [3] Competition and Relational Contracts in the Rwanda Coffee Chain [Online Appendix]   with Rocco Macchiavello

            Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 2021

            Media coverage: KelloggInsight; VoxDev; National Agricultural Export Board Rwanda; The East African; The New Times

            Policy Notes: IGC

        [4] Empirical Approaches to Trust and Relational Contracts  with Rocco Macchiavello

International Journal of Industrial Organization, September 2022 

[5] Electoral Violence and Supply Chain Disruptions in Kenya’s Floriculture Industry   with Chris Ksoll and Rocco Macchiavello 

            Review of Economic & Statistics,  November 2023 

            Media coverage: KelloggInsight;                

            Policy Notes: iiG


[6] Relational Contracts: Recent Empirical Advances and Open Questions with Rocco Macchiavello

Journal of Institutional & Theoretical Economics, December 2023


International Trade VoxDev Issue 1 [Senior Editors: Atkin and Khandelwal, 2022]