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How to get amazon promotional codes?

You can use any browser to access deals on Amazon. you can use Sign in to your Amazon account. click "Account & Lists" then click Sign.

Watch amazon prime video steps on your device using

  1. Your device to connect your tv with wifi.

  2. Then open App Store and Download the amazon prime video app.

  3. Click on the Download button to start the downloading process.

  4. When Downloaded, open the amazon prime video app.

  5. Click on the link register on the amazon prime video website.

  6. You will get the amazon prime video Registration code.

  7. Open the Official Website

  8. Enter your Email address and password to login prime account.

  9. If you don’t have any account then you can create an account of amazon prime video.

  10. Enter the Activation Code.

  11. Now, click on the continue button.

  12. You will receive the confirm message on your TV screen after the successful activation.

  13. Click on the continue button.

  14. Now you can enjoy the Prime videos on your device.