Amazing Kids Christian Child Care (206)364-7428

Amazing Kids Christian Child Care


1245 N.E.140th ST.

Seattle, WA 98125


Each child is a unique gift from God. As such, each child shall be encouraged, taught, respected, and lovingly led to social and cognitive skills through the personal guidance of the teachers. A variety of age-appropriate learning tools, including games. Music, physical activities, creative art and dramatic play, promote socialization, and problem solving abilities.

Christian learning experiences include daily chapels, Bible stories, songs, discussions, sharing and applying God’s Word through caring examples.

Instructional Goals and philosophy of child development:

Age, interests and abilities are key determinants of curriculum. The goals at the preschool level are not to acquire masses of academic expertise. Rather, the aims are to make learning fun, build eagerness, stimulate curiosity, provide age appropriate interesting information on a wide variety of topics and develop readiness for future academic growth.


Your babies are so important to us. Every day we work with them on feeling loved with a strong sense of security, babies blossom in our care. During this age children will explore their world, learning language, body movements, social interactions, and bonding with love and trust. The children feel safe, secure and loved when we cuddle and hold them. We love playing and encouraging them to experience new things and grow. Children this age love to play games that interact with their care giver like peek-a-boo/ pat-a-cake/ listening to music and exploring objects.


Toddlers are so fun! From the beginning of walking to a running 2 year old. Life is good, so much to explore and learn. Exploring and playing is a vital part of this ages development. We play games and provide toys that encourage children to grow and develop skills they need. From sorting objects, simple puzzles, learning to match objects, learning how to talk in phrases and sentences while using their amazing vocabulary that is being fostered though teaching ,reading books, and socializing with friends


Our wonderful curious preschoolers are ready to learn. Group time is awesome. We love to sing, dance, play group games, read our Bible stories, and learn lessons on a weekly theme. Books are so exciting. Hearing books read is important. Patterning, shapes, color and math games are also fun. We also love art and exploring art materials. Art develops muscles in the fingers and creativity in our thinking and helps us in the learning process. We provide sensory play and gross and fine motor development. Our make believe is cooperative and often a very social activity.


In addition to our Preschool program, We continue our education learning the alphabet and phonics. Recognizing letters and numbers. patterning, and math. Playing games that brings math to life in a fun way as well as learning themed curriculum at a deeper level. We practice writing our letters. As always we focus on learning while playing and exploring our environment. Children are growing in their creative art and love sensory experiences as well as science activities.

Curriculum overview:


We use a variety of concept-building techniques to establish a fundamental understanding of amounts, sizes, comparisons, sequences, shapes, time, etc.

Specific math is given at group time through games and experiments. Math Their Way is the child-centered math activities program this center uses.


Children learn science through everyday experiences with all sorts of objects and substances. The sensory tub, hands-on projects, examinations of nearly anything and making collections are so much fun they may not even be aware that they are learning science.


Daily Chapel Time and Bible story reading provide direct learning through lessons, songs and prayers. Examples of Christian living should be shown through kindness, sharing, gentleness and patience as well as caring though firm correction when needed.


A child’s ability to communicate depends partly on vocabulary skill and on his/her ability to express feeling through actions and words. We teach the children to solve problems through talking things out. This is a very important life skill which is consistently encouraged. Reading and communication is a big part of our daily routine.


Besides the obvious physical development skills, both indoor and outdoor play are wonderful ways to teach sharing, turn-taking and cooperation. Social behavior occurs through many of the area play activities such as dramatic play and building with blocks.


Children learn best through doing. We provide games and activities that foster children in learning colors, shapes, counting, measuring, problem solving as well as encouraging the children to keep trying until they are successful in finding answers. Group time is a special time to focus on teacher instructions. This is where we play math games, language activities and focus on specific topics we are learning about, such as insects, construction tools, colors, letters etc.


Personal creative expression is the goal of art. Whereas, children are taught how to handle a variety of art media, the actual production is the child’s own. Occasional teacher-planned projects may be done to encourage children to learn a certain skill like cutting on a line with a scissors; but in general, it is our desire to have the kids designs their own art. Just ask your child to tell you about his/her art. They know exactly what they make. Who are we to judge their self-expression? This is also a big self-esteem issue. If we criticize children’s art they often stop doing it. A lot of people never get past the kindergarten stage of art because of this.


Songs are taught during circle time and throughout the day. Enjoyment in singing, listening and instrumental exposure is the goal.