
Andreas P. Mavrommatis

I am a data scientist at Intuit, where I build machine learning models for fraud detection. Prior to Intuit, I received a Ph.D. in geophysics from Stanford, where I analyzed high-precision GPS and seismicity data and performed numerical simulations to investigate long-term trends in ground deformation preceding the great 2011 Tohoku, Japan earthquake.



  • June 2021: Filed a patent on "Comparative Features for Machine Learning Based Classification"

  • May 2020: Filed a patent on ”Real Time Fault Tolerant Stateful Featurization” (co-inventor)

  • July 2017: Joined Intuit as a Senior Data Scientist.

  • June 2017: PhD thesis published.

  • Jan. 2016: Received an Outstanding Student Paper Award for my presentation at the 2015 AGU Fall Meeting.

  • Nov. 2015: Published a paper in Geophysical Research Letters reporting independent confirmation of our previous result of long-term acceleration of aseismic creep preceding the 2011 Tohoku earthquake.

  • Sept. 2015: SCEC 2015 poster

  • Sept. 2015: Gave a seminar at the UC Berkeley Seismo Lab

  • July 2015: Gave a seminar at USGS, Menlo Park

  • Apr. 2015: GRL paper featured as a UNAVCO's Science Snapshot

  • Mar. 2015: Research featured in Stanford Earth article

  • Dec. 2014: AGU presentation featured in Stanford News, Real Clear Science , Science Daily , and phys.org

  • Nov. 2014: GRL paper featured as an AGU Eos Research Spotlight

  • June 2014: Published a paper in Geophysical Research Letters on a newly discovered decadal-scale deformation transient prior to the 2011 Tohoku earthquake

  • May 2012: Received a three-year Stanford Graduate Fellowship