
a.alcorn (at) ed.ac.uk

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Bluesky: @aalcorn.bsky.social


Alyssa M. Alcorn, PhD

Visting researcher, Salvesen Mindroom Research Centre, University of Edinburgh

Most recently Research and Impact Lead for the Learning About Neurodiversity at School (LEANS) project (2020-2023) and visiting researcher, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge (2023).

Research interests

My research uses the neurodiversity paradigm and participatory methods to develop evidence-based interventions that facilitate children’s and young people’s educational inclusion and wellbeing. I am particularly interested in support for neurodivergent learners and those with additional support needs, school-based interventions, and the role of knowledge, attitudes, and stigma in inclusive practice. 

Keywords: neurodiversity, education, psychology participatory design, HCI, interaction design, autism, ASN/SEND.

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