The Fun Place
All Fun ONE - View satellite photos of famous places around the world such as celebrity houses, movie locations, historical landmarks, and tourist attractions.
Name Central - Search a database of over 25,000 names to find out the meaning, origin, and popularity of your first name.
Get Insulted - This site will insult you like a real person would.
Satellite Maps - See what your house or office looks like from the sky using satellite photos.
Image Speller - Type a word or phrase such as your name on this site and see it spelled using images.
Match Age - An age guessing game where you view a person's photo and guess their age. - Send free virtual stuff to your friends and family: ice cream cones, pizza, kisses, pranks, flowers, insults, hypnosis, food fights, prayers and more. - Instantly create your own custom animated buddy icons using your own pictures and text. Now your icon can say or show anything you want! You can install your custom icon directly into AIM or save for later use. Great for avatars too.
Write Backwards - Type something and then see how it looks backwards.
Get Relaxed - A virtual sound machine that lets you listen to calm, relaxing sounds such as a beach, a waterfall, a sleeping baby, animals, and many more. - Read other peoples' diaries, or write your own online. Also try Open Diary. - Can't remember a friend or relative's birthday? Curious exactly how old somebody is? Search over 120 million birth records online for free.
Old Superstitions - A huge list of all the superstitions that have been passed down through the years. - Send electronic greeting cards: Birthday, Love, Humor, Wedding, Valentine's Day and lots more. Or, send Virtual Flowers.
Fold Money - Does the American $20 bill contain hidden pictures of the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks?
Mystical Ball - This website will read your mind. It uses a magical crystal ball to know what you are thinking. Sounds crazy, but it works. - talk with Oliver, our chat robot. It is like talking with a real person.
Crazy Fads - Read about fads from the past: hula hoops, pet rocks, goldfish swallowing, flagpole sitting, mood rings, Smurfs and more.
Phone Spelling - What does your phone number spell? Also try to see what words your name spells when the letters are re-arranged.
KamranWeb.Com - Latest Songs, videos, Entertainment, Online Movies, Radio, Links, Games, Web Directory and Songs.
Free Myspace Layouts - Get Free Myspace Layouts, links to best myspace sites and make your myspace better than others. Oh Yeah!
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