New Zealand Native Art

Mission Statement for New Zealand Bird Art

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and everything in it and it was good. Then He created man and put him as a steward of the earth. These paintings are an attempt to show us that the creatures God has made are wonderful, with personalities and life. They are also to bring made to bring man back to a conscious realization that he has a duty to protect and take care of the earth.

You may ask “What can I do?”

Here are some ideas.

1. Plant habitat for creatures in your garden- share your space with the birds. For example plant trees and shrubs and leave your clippings under trees for insects to eat and nesting space for their young.

2. Set traps for rats in short pieces of storm water down pipes. This will keep the birds and pets safe. Rats are significant predators of birds and eggs in urban areas.

3. Join the local conservation project and plant trees for reforestation.

4. Encourage the younger generation to see the wonderful creation all around them and appreciate the Creator.

5. Resist the consumer attitude of this age that is destroying the resources of the earth.