X-Files Alien Stiletto Prop Replica

Stainless Steel X-Files Alien Stiletto Prop Replica

Description:     A prop replica from the TV series The X-Files, manufactured from stainless steel. This alien stiletto was used to terminate alien colonists, alien rebels, and alien-human hybrids. There were several props on the show, and they all look different (to a trained eye). This particular replica is a hybrid based on episodes "Talitha Cumi" and "Two Fathers". It has the end caps and taper from "Talitha Cumi", and the button and spike from "Two Fathers". The length of the handle and spike is based on accurate dimensions from an original prop.

Known as:       Alien Stiletto, Bounty Hunter Stiletto, Alien Ice Pick, Alien Gimlet, "Plam"

Please note:   This item is NOT for sale. It was created solely for personal pleasure, because of my passion for the TV show.

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