Ali Ahmadvand

PhD Candidate

Intelligent Information Access Lab (IRLab)

Computer Science Department

EMORY University

Email: ali.ahmadvand at emory dot edu

Interests: Machine Learning, Conversational AI, Information Retrieval, Query Understanding

Here, you can find my CV .

My dissertation: "Knowledge Aware User Intent Inference for Conversational and Web Search"

I am a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science Department at EMORY University. I am excited to work with Intelligent Information Access Lab (IRLAB) conducting advanced Machine Learning research under the direction of Prof. Eugene Agichtein.

My current research revolves around user intent inference for both conversational agents and e-commerce search engines.

I participated in 2017, 2018, and 2019 Amazon Alexa Prize as a team member, where I worked on User Modeling and Natural Language Understanding. Our chatbot Emora is the WINNER of the 2019 Amazon Alexa Prize Grand Challenge. For more information please check this Link.

I worked as a Research Intern at The Home Depot's Search & NLP team in the summer of 2019 and 2020. The Home Depot extends the collaboration through my Ph.D. dissertation. Currently, I am collaborating with them working on query understanding for e-commerce search engines.

Prior to joining EMORY, I received my M.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence & Robotics from the School of Computer Engineering at Iran University of Science and Technology.

My GoogleScholar .

Amazon Alexa Prize Winner 2019 Link