I work as Senior Economist at Bank of Italy, DG Economics, Statistics and Research - Economic Outlook and Monetary Policy, Inflation Unit.

My main research interests are in applied macroeconomics, with a focus on the formation mechanisms of  macroeconomic expectations.


Alex Tagliabracci

DG Economics, Statistics and ResearchMonetary Policy and Economic Outlook DirectorateVia Nazionale 91 - 00184 Rome, Italyalex.tagliabracci@bancaditalia.it

CV: [here]  

Ideas profile: [here]  

Google scholar: [here]


"The elasticity of investments to long-term inflation expectations", with G. Perinelli,  in progress

"The (ir)rationality of firms' price expectations and the effects on their economic decisions", coming soon

"What caused the post-pandemic inflation in Italy? An application of Bernanke and Blanchard (2023)", [link] with M. Pisani, Bank of Italy Occasional paper No. 851, 2024.

"Price rigidities, input costs, and inflation expectations: understanding firms' pricing decisions from micro data", [link] with M. Riggi, Bank of Italy Occasional paper No. 733, 2022

"Firms' inflation expectations and pricing strategies during Covid-19", [paper] [VoxEU] with M. Bottone, C. Conflitti and M. Riggi, Bank of Italy Occasional paper No. 619, 2021

"Asymmetry in the conditional distribution of euro-area inflation", [paper] Bank of Italy Working paper No. 1270, 2020


"Perceived economic effects of the war in Ukraine: survey-based evidence from Italian firms", [paper] with T. Ropele, Applied Economics Letters, 31, 275-280, 2024

"Inflation expectations and the ECB’s perceived inflation objective: novel evidence from firm-level data", [paper] with M. Bottone and G. Zevi, Journal of Monetary Economics, 129(S), 15-34, July 2022

"Is anything predictable in market-based surprises?" [paper] with L. Brugnolini and A. D'Agostino, Italian Economic Journal, (7) 387-410, November 2021

"What do Italian households know about the ECB's target?" [paper] with M. Bottone and G. Zevi,  Economics Letters, (207) 110023, October 2021

"Anchored or de-anchored? That is the question" [paper] [VoxEU] with F. Corsello and S. Neri, European Journal of Political Economy, (69) 102031, September 2021


"Energy price shocks and inflation in the euro area", [paper] [SUERF] with S. Neri, F. Busetti, C. Conflitti, F. Corsello and D. Delle Monache, Bank of Italy Occasional Paper No.  792, 2023

"Assessing the pass-through of energy prices to inflation in the euro area", [paper] with F. Corsello, Bank of Italy Occasional paper No. 745, 2023

"On the anchoring of inflation expectations in the euro area", [paper] with S. Neri, G. Bulligan, S. Cecchetti, F. Corsello, A. Papetti, M. Riggi and C. Rondinelli, Bank of Italy Occasional paper No. 712, 2022

"Inflation expectations and their role in Eurosystem forecasting", [paper] (as a member of ECB Working Group), ECB Occasional Paper No. 264, 2021 

"De-anchored long-term inflation expectations in a low growth, low rate environment", [paper] with G. Bulligan, F. Corsello and S. Neri, Bank of Italy Occasional paper No. 624, 2021

"Inflation expectations in the euro area: indicators, analyses and models used at Banca d’Italia", [paper] with S. Cecchetti, D. Fantino, A. Notarpietro, M. Riggi, A. Tiseno and R. Zizza, Bank of Italy Occasional paper No.  612, 2021 

"The impact of global value chains on the euro area economy", [paper] (as a member of ECB Working Group), ECB Occasional Paper No. 221, 2019