I am an associate professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Chicago. Here is my faculty page, also my lab website: DIBS Lab. Email is: ashaw1@uchicago.edu

I will NOT be taking students for the fall 2024 Cycle. 

If you only read one of my papers, Shaw & Olson (2012) is the one I recommend reading.  For three more recent papers, check out Liberman & Shaw (2019), Good & Shaw (2022), and Silver & Shaw (2022)


Berry, Z., Silver, I., & Shaw, A. (in press). Moral paragons, but crummy friends: The case of snitching. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied.

Hok, H., Vasquez, K., Barakzai, A., & Shaw, A. (in press). The nonmeek inherit the earth: Children generalize dominance, but not submissiveness. Developmental Psychology.

Ayalon, O., Hok, H., Shaw, A., & Gordon, G. (2023). When it is ok to give the Robot Less: Children’s Fairness Intuitions Towards Robots. International Journal of Social Robotics, 15, 1581-1601.

Richardson, E., Hok, H., Shaw, A., & Keil, F. (2023). Herding cats: children’s intuitive theories of persuasion predict slower collective decisions in larger and more diverse groups, but disregard factional power. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Vol. 45) 

Silver, I., & Shaw, A. (2022). When and why 'staying out of it' backfires in moral and political disagreements. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 151, 2542–2561.

Good, K., & Shaw, A. (2022). Being versus appearing smart: Children’s developing intuitions about how reputational motives guide behavior. Child Development, 93, 418-436. Pdf

Gordon-Hecker, T., Shaw, A. & Choshen-Hillel, S. (2022). One for me, two for you: Agency increases children’s satisfaction with disadvantageous inequity. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 100, 104286. Pdf

Good, K., & Shaw, A. (2021). Achieving a good impression: Reputation management and performance goals. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science. e1552. Pdf

Choshen-Hillel, S., Shaw, A., & Caruso, E. (2020). Lying to appear honest. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149, 1719–1735.  Pdf

Liberman, Z., & Shaw, A. (2020). Even his friend said he's bad: Children think personal alliances bias gossip. Cognition, 204, e104376. Pdf


Hok, H., Martin, A., Trail, Z., & Shaw, A. (2020). When children treat condemnation as a signal: The costs and benefits of condemnation. Child Development, 91, 1439-1455. Pdf

Hurst, M., Shaw, A., Chernyak, N., & Levine, S. (2020). Giving a larger amount or a larger proportion: Stimulus format impacts children’s social evaluations. Developmental Psychology, 56, 2212-2222.  

Shaw, A. & Choshen-Hillel, S. (2020). Who are “we”? Dealing with conflicting moral obligations. Commentary in Behavior and Brain Sciences, 43, 42-43. 

Liberman., Z., Gerdin, E., Kinzler, K.,  & Shaw, A. (2020).  (Un)common knowledge: Children use social relationships to determine who knows what. Developmental Science, 23, e12962. Pdf

Echelbarger, M., Good, K., & Shaw, A. (2020). Will she give you two cookies for one chocolate?: Children's intuitions about trade.  Judgement and Decision Making, 15, 959-971. Pdf 

Bregant, J., Caruso, E., & Shaw, A. (2020). Crime because Punishment? The Inferential Psychology of Morality and Punishment. University of Illinois Law Review, 2020, 1177-1207

Huppert., E. Shaw, A., & Decety, J. (2020). The effect of hunger on children’s sharing behavior and fairness preferences. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 190, 104786. Pdf 

Choshen-Hillel, S., Lin, Z., & Shaw, A. (2020). Children weigh equity and efficiency in making allocation decisions: Evidence from the US, Israel, and China. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 179 , 704-714. Pdf


Liberman., Z., & Shaw, A. (2019). Children use similarity, propinquity, and loyalty to predict which people are friends. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 184, 1-17. Pdf


Shaw, A., Barakzai, A., & Keysar, B. (2019). When negative reciprocity is more fair than positive reciprocity. Cognitive Science, 43, e12773.  Pdf


Bregant, J., Wellbery, I., & Shaw, A. (2019). Crime, but not punishment? Children are more lenient when the “spirit of the law” is unbroken. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 178, 266-282. Pdf


Liberman., Z., & Shaw, A. (2018). Secret to friendship: Children make inferences about friendship based on secret sharing. Developmental Psychology, 54, 2139-2151. Pdf


Kardas, M., Shaw, A., & Caruso, E. (2018). How to give away your cake and eat it too: Relinquishing control prompts reciprocal generosity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 15, 1054-1074. Pdf

Silver, I. & Shaw, A. (2018). Pint-sized public relations: Developing reputation management. Trends in Cognitive Science, 22, 277-279. Pdf

Choshen-Hillel, S., Shaw, A., & Caruso, E. (2018). Disadvantaged but not dissatisfied: Agency interventions ameliorate negative reactions to unequal pay. Journal of Experiment Psychology: Applied, 24, 578-599. Pdf


Barakzai, A., & Shaw, A. (2018). Friends without benefits:  Friends without benefits: When we react negatively to helpful and generous friends. Evolution and Human Behavior, 5, 529-537. Pdf

Shaw, A., Choshen-Hillel, S., & Caruso, E. (2018). Being biased against friends to appear unbiased. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 78, 104-115. Pdf

DeScioli, P., Shaw, A., & Delton, A. (2018). Share the wealth: Redistribution can increase economic efficiency. Political Behavior, 40, 279-300. Pdf

Silver, I., & Shaw, A. (2018). No harm still foul: Concerns with reputation drive dislike of harmless plagiarizers. Cognitive Science, 42, 213-240.  Pdf

Shaw, A., & Choshen-Hillel, S. (2017). It’s not fair: Folk intuitions about disadvantageous and advantageous inequity aversion. Judgment and Decision Making, 12, 208-223. Pdf

Shaw, A., DeScioli, P., Barakzai, A., & Kurzban, R. (2017). Whoever is not with me is against me: The costs of neutrality among friends. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 71, 96-104.  Pdf 

Liberman, Z., & Shaw, A. (2017). Children use partial sharing as a cue to friendship. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 159, 97-109. Pdf

Shaw, A., Choshen-Hillel, S., & Caruso, E. (2016). The development of inequity aversion: Understanding when (and why) people give others the bigger piece of the pie. Psychological Science, 27, 1352-1359.  Pdf

Bregant, J., Shaw, A., & Kinzler, K. (2016). Intuitive jurisprudence: Early reasoning about the functions of punishment. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 13, 693-717. Pdf

Tu, Y., Shaw, A., & Fishbach, A. (2016). The friendly taking effect: How interpersonal closeness leads to a seemingly selfish yet jointly maximizing choice. Journal of Consumer Research, 42, 669-687. Pdf

Shaw, A. (2016). Fairness: What it isn’t, what it is, and what it might be for. Evolutionary Perspectives on Child Development and Education (pp. 193-214). Springer International Publishing. Pdf

Phillips, S.J., & Shaw, A. (2015). Manipulating morality: Third-party intentions alter moral judgments by changing causal reasoning. Cognitive Science, 6, 1320-1347. Pdf

Pietraszewski, D., & Shaw, A. (2015). Not by strength alone: Children’s conflict expectations follow the logic of the asymmetric war of attrition. Human Nature, 26, 44-72.  Pdf

Choshen-Hillel, S., Shaw, A., & Caruso, E. (2015). Waste management: How reducing partiality can promote efficient resource allocation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 109, 210-231. Pdf


Shaw, A., & Olson, K.R. (2015). Whose idea is it anyway: The importance of reputation in acknowledgement. Developmental Science, 18, 502-509. Pdf

Shaw, A., Montinari, N., Piovesan, M., Olson, K.R., Gino, F., & Norton, M.I. (2014). Children develop a veil of fairness. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143, 363-375. Pdf 

DeScioli, P., Massenkoff, M., Shaw, A., Petersen, M.B., & Kurzban, R. (2014). Equity or equality? Moral judgments follow the money. Proceedings of the Royal Society - B: Biological Science, 281, 20142112. Pdf

Shaw, A., & Olson, K.R. (2014). Fairness as an aversion to partiality: The development of procedural justice. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 119, 40-53. Pdf

Yang, F., Shaw, A., Garduno, E., & Olson, K.R. (2014). No one likes a copy-cat: A cross cultural investigation of children's response to plagiarism. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 121, 111-119. Pdf

Shaw, A. (2013). Beyond "To share or not to share": The impartiality account of fairness. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 22, 413-417. Pdf

Li, V., Shaw, A., & Olson, K.R. (2013). Ideas versus labor: What do children value in artistic creation? Cognition, 127, 38-45. Pdf

Shaw, A., & Knobe, J. (2013). Not all mutualism is fair, and not all fairness is mutualistic.  Behavior and Brain Sciences, 36, 100-101. 

Shaw, A.,  Li, V., & Olson, K.R. (2013). Reputation is everything. In M. Banaji & S. Gelman (Eds.),  Navigating the social world (pp. 220-224). New York: Oxford. 

Shaw, A., & Olson, K.R. (2013). All inequality is not equal: Children correct inequalities using resource value. Frontiers in Emotion Science, 4, 393. Pdf 

Leimgruber, K., Shaw, A., Santos, L.R., & Olson, K.R. (2012). Young children are more generous when others are aware of their actions. PLoS-ONE, 7, e48292. Link

Shaw, A., Li, V., & Olson, K.R. (2012). Children apply principles of physical ownership to ideas. Cognitive Science, 36, 1383-1403. Pdf

Shaw, A., DeScioli, P., & Olson, K.R. (2012). Fairness versus favoritism in children. Evolution and Human Behavior, 33, 736-745. Pdf 

Shaw, A., & Olson, K.R. (2012). Children discard a resource to avoid inequity. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 141, 382-395. Pdf

Shaw, A., & Santos, L.R. (2012). Lab support for strong reciprocity is weak: Punishing for reputation rather than cooperation. Behavior and Brain Sciences, 35, 39.

Olson, K.R., & Shaw, A. (2011). “No fair, copycat!”: What children’s response to plagiarism tells us about their understanding of ideas. Developmental Science, 14, 431-439. Pdf