I am a researcher and consultant at Square Management.  My current projects relate to parametric insurance, climate insurance and sustainability.

My PhD thesis was on the insurance of industrial and natural disasters. This work has lead me to appreciate the importance of the distributional choices societies make and to investigate issues related to development, inequalities,  and theories of justice.

You can contact me at: alexis (dot) louaas (at) polytechnique (dot) edu.

For more details about my curriculum, please see my resume.


Alexis Louaas and Pierre Picard. A pandemic business interruption insurance. The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, 2023. Pre-print available at HAL 02941948, 2020.

Alexis Louaas and Pierre Picard. Optimal nuclear liability insurance. The Energy Journal, 2022.

Enrico Biffis, Erik Chavez, Alexis Louaas, and Pierre Picard. Parametric insurance and technology adoption in developing countries. The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, 2022. Pre-print available at SSRN 3630706, 2020

Alexis Louaas and Pierre Picard. Optimal insurance coverage of low-probability catastrophic risks. The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, pages 1–28, 2021.

Working papers

Arnaud Goussebaïle and Alexis Louaas. Catastrophe insurance and solvency regulation. Available at SSRN 3685086, 2020.

Alexis Louaas. Morality and equality from rationality alone: A repeated game approach of contractarianism. Available at HAL 02948051, 2020. 

Alexis Louaas and Pierre Picard. On the design of optimal parametric insurance.