Brazilian Daily Weather Gridded Data (BR-DWGD)
This page presents basic information about the daily meteorological gridded data set from Brazil
Precipitation (pr, mm); maximum and minimum temperature (Tmax, Tmin, °C); solar radiation (Rs, MJ/m2); relative humidity (RH, %); wind speed at 2 meters (u2, m/s) and evapotranspiration (ETo, mm).
Temporal resolution
Temporal coverage
Spatial resolution
0.1° x 0.1°
Spatial coverage
Just Brazil territory
Latitude: 33.85° S - 5.35° N
Longitude: 73.85° W -34.85° W
Examples of codes
In Python, check GitHub BR-DWGD.
If you use the data, we appreciate cite it:
Xavier, A. C., Scanlon, B. R., King, C. W., & Alves, A. I. (2022). New improved Brazilian daily weather gridded data (1961–2020). International Journal of Climatology, 42( 16), 8390– 8404.
Download gridded data (NetCDF files)
Work with gridded data in cloud
1961/01/01-2020/07/31 (except precipitation: 1961/01/01-2022/12/31)
Gridded data in Google Earth Engine (here). You can find simples examples in the Jupyter-lab, here;
Download municipal-level weather data (DataClimaBR).
Realease notes
December/2024: update grid (from 1961/01/01 to 2024/03/20, version "v_3.2.3"), with support from Climaterna project.
June/2023: we adopt a new boundary for the grid, with a better fit to the coast of North East; corrections in the gain and offset of NetCDF data to open properly in the software QGIS (version "v_3.2.2");
April/2023: all ncfiles were created with smaller size (version "v_3.2.1");
March/2023: update precipitation grid adding more rain gauges. Just for the period 2001/01/01-2022/12/31 (version "v_3.1")
If you have problems with the gridded dataset, contact:
Brazil monthly temperature (Jan/1961 - Mar/2024)
Brazil daily mean (left) and annual temperature (right).