I am a third year PhD student at the University of Melbourne.

I am currently thinking about tensor-triangular geometry, and classifying t-structures and localising subcategories of triangulated categories (with motivating examples being derived categories of schemes, algebraic spaces, algebraic stacks, and categories of motives). Previously, for my Masters thesis, I was thinking about the period-index problem, and motivic homotopy theory.

Email:  apclark at student.unimelb.edu.au

Student Talks

QFT refers to the Quantum Field Theory seminar, and MSS refers to the Mathematics Student Society. The MSS talks are intended to be accessible to second and third year students. The QFT talks run weekly and are 90 minutes long, including a 10 minute break. RTA refers to the Rep Theory and Algebra Student Seminar.

GTS refers to the graduate topology seminar (Unimelb). GSS refers to the graduate student seminar (Unimelb)

MCS refers to the Motivic Cohomology Seminar that I'm running.

Reading groups and student seminars








The University of Queensland