Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 Subject – Exam: “What does the exam consist of?”

The exam consists of several short questions which may require the use of the computer. A mock exam will take place at the end of the course so that students can familiarize with the exam format.

Q2 Subject – Exam: “Is a pre-appello (i.e. pre-sessional exam) scheduled?”

No, it is not. Pre-sessional exams are strickly forbidden by the department.

Q3 Subject – Credits: “Is there a shorter version of this course that consists of 6 credits instead of 9?"

No, there is not. This is a 9-credit course only.

Q4 Subject – Books: “Should I buy a book or lecture notes will suffice?”

You will not be asked anything which has not been said in class, thus lecture notes should be enough.

However, the book by Carlton & Perloff is an easy-to-read compendium in industrial organization; so if your background in industrial organization is weak, you may wish to read it.

The book by Wooldridge helps you with the econometrics. The introductory part of Stata will hinge on examples taken from this book.

Q5 Subject – Exercise: “Where can I find additional datasets/exercise to practice with Stata?"

The book by Wooldridge offers several examples, the solution to most of the exercises are available to download by clicking here.

You can also obtain other dataset and reproduce the examples within Stata by reading the "Example" section in the help page of each command. For instance type "help regress" without quotes in the Stata command window, at the end of the page you will be displayed several examples that you can replicate by copying/pasting the commands into Stata. You can also use the dataset of the examples for additional exercises.

Finally, you can find additional dataset directly in Stata from the drop-down menu list (File - Example Dataset...) and then either choose "Example datasets installed with Stata" or "Stata 14 manual datasets").

Q6 Subject – Attendance: “May I attend the course, although I am not enrolled yet?"

Yes, you may.

Q7 Subject – Exam: “May I sit for the exam, although I am not enrolled?"

No, you may not. You must be enrolled on the day you decide to sit for the exam, otherwise your mark cannot be entered into the system.