Wrestler of the Week
Post date: Feb 14, 2014 1:08:28 AM
Wrestler of the Week is Grade 9 ADSS Wrestler Trevor Barker. Trevor is proof of the old adage that you can’t always judge a book by its cover. Weighing in at 30 kilograms Trevor is a little smaller than the average Grade 9. However, what Trevor lacks in size he makes up in dedication, determination and just plain toughness. Trevor is a very dedicated member of the ADSS wrestling team. He is always out running before practice and he never shys away from working with a bigger or more experienced partner in practice. In strength and conditioning sessions he has held the plank position for over 10 minutes. While he has already found an ability to place at tournaments his hard work is really going to pay off in his senior years when he finds himself at the top of his weight and age division. Despite being a die hard Maple Leafs fan Trevor Barker is a great choice for Wrestler of the Week.