
AIRCRAFT  PAINTINGS  by   Allan Botting,   Victoria,  British Columbia

Updated May 17th, 2018

        Paintings depicting the history of Canadian Aircraft


    My goal is to produce paintings of aircraft that would appeal to those who are aviation-minded. Aviators, history buffs and any person who enjoys special feelings towards flying will derive pleasure from viewing and/or owning good aviation art.

     Inspiration comes from years of reading about, viewing and flying aircraft. My goal is to paint a scene that is historically accurate while attempting to emulate a style similar to famous aviation artists such as Bob Bradford, Robert Taylor, William Phillips and Roy Grinnell, to name a few.


           MEMBER OF:

        Canadian Aviation Artists Association.

        Canadian Aviation Historical Society.

        British Columbia Aviation Museum.       

        Nanton Lancaster Society             

        Calgary Mosquito Aircraft Society

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    High quality  art prints at significantly lower cost over that of the original art work, or painting.  Contact us for pricing.

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Lancaster over Comox

Avro Lancaster Mk 10-MP served with 407 Squadron RCAF. Here shown flying over Comox, B.C. in August 1955 piloted by the late Harry Addison of Victoria, B.C.  FM159, wearing the livery of ND811 in honour of Ian Bazalgette VC, currently resides at the Bomber Command Museum in Nanton, Alberta. 

(Acrylic on board 18 x 24 inches.)

Kittyhawks over Alaska

 Three RCAF Curtiss P-40E Kittyhawks of 111(F) Squadron over Alaska in the fall of 1942. The one labelled “D” was RAF # AK 905, RCAF # 1052. “E” was AK 940, #1058.  “V” was AL 194, #1087. The yellow outer portion of the A1 roundels were over painted olive green!

(Acrylic on board 18 x 24 inches.)   SOLD

Spirit of B.C. 

 The Mighty Martin Mars Hawaii Mars, is one of two remaining in B.C.  The Coulson Group of Companies, has donated her to the British Columbia Air Museum in Victoria, B.C.  Only 5 Mars were built for the USN and four were converted  to water bombers in 1960 by a consortium of B.C. timber companies.  Since then fighting over 4,000 wildfires and dropping an impressive 7,200 gallons per load.

(Acrylic on board 18 x 24 inches.)    SOLD

Stolen Mitchell 

Sgt Don Scratch 'borrowed' this North American B-25D Mitchell Mk.II in Dec. of 1944 at No. 5 OTU RCAF base at Boundary Bay, B.C.  This last joy ride of Donald Scratch ended in his fatal crash.   Note the unusual A2 roundel on the fuselage.

(Acrylic on board 18 x 24 inches.)

Tanker 22

Dramatic retardant water drop on a forest in British Columbia by Conair's CF-BMS, circa 1970. Originally this Douglas A-26B Invader was delivered to the USAAF as 43-22357 during WW 2.  This aircraft of Conair Aviation in British Columbia accrued 2000 hrs of service before retirement in 1984.  The aircraft presently preserved in the British Columbia Aviation Museum at Victoria, Canada.

(Acrylic on board 18 x 24 inches.)  SOLD

The Red Herring

The Red Herring tail logo appeared only in 1966 on Canadair T-33 Silver Star 21631 of the Royal Canadian Navy.  This VU-32 Shearwater, Nova Scotia based T-33 was a response to the antics of the RCAF Red Knight.  See page 224 of Dan Dempsey's         A TRADITION OF EXCELLENCE book for the full story.       

(Acrylic on board 18 x 24 inches.)

Bob's Cherokee

Bob Kirkby flies this Piper Pa-28 Cherokee from his field just east of Calgary, Alberta.

I have had the pleasure of attending numerous airshows with Bob in his aircraft.

(Acrylic on board 18 x 24 inches.)  SOLD

Golden Hawk

This solo Hawk is a Canadair Sabre Mk. 6 circa 1962 over the Comox B.C. area. The painting was adapted from a photo of 'Hawk One', the present day Vintage Wings aircraft. The RCAF Golden Hawk national aerobatic team thrilled Canadians from coast to coast from 1959 thru 1963. Larry Milberry quoted “The Golden Hawks represented everything that was glorious about the RCAF”.

(Acrylic on board 18 x 24 inches.)

RCAF Centennial Project

The Canadian Aircraft Altitude Record

A Canadian altitude record was established by the RCAF with a F-104 aircraft on 14 December 1967. The aircraft was a Lockheed F-104A (Modified) serial 12700, the CF-104 prototype. The aircraft was modified with a specially upgraded J-79, special inlet cones, etc. The record was set by Wing Commander R.A. (Bud) White from the Aerospace Engineering Test Establishment at the Canadian Forces Base, Uplands, Ottawa. The flights occurred in a test area beginning some 100 miles west of Ottawa. The aircraft achieved a level airspeed of 1,800 MPH during the record flight which reached an altitude of 100,110 feet. This aircraft is on display at the Air Museum in Ottawa-Rockcliffe.

(Acrylic on Canvas board 15 x 30 inches.)

T’was The Night Before Christmas

On Christmas Eve, December 24th, 1944, Pilot Officer Donald E. Rollins of 407 ‘Demon’ Squadron conducted a night shipping strike deep in the heart of the Bay of Biscay, near the French Coast. Just after dropping his bombs and leveling out at 3,000 feet, in the inky darkness dead ahead Rollins suddenly perceived an ominous shape. Reacting by reflex, he dove under an RAF B-24 Liberator making a bombing run on the same target. The close call clipped several feet from the port wing of the Liberator while Rollins lost a chunk of his rudder. Despite the damage, both A/C made it back safely to their respective bases. The painting depicts Rollins’ Mark XIV Vickers Wellington as dawn breaks, preparing to make an emergency landing at its home station in Chivenor, England.

(Acrylic on board 18 x 24 inches.)  SOLD

First Chieftain AirBus

The remarkable success of the no-reservation Edmonton-Calgary Chieftain AirBus service was started with these Douglas DC-4s. This operation was started in 1963 with three daily flights Monday through Friday. The $11 fare on the 66 passenger DC-4 was unbooked and was collected by an agent on board. In 1964, an estimated 48,300 passengers were carried on this 172 mile service.

(Acrylic on board 18 x 24 inches.) 

Paul Grose

Paul Grose logged many hours in the Vampire with 400 Squadron in the early 1950's.  Most hours logged were in 007, a de Havilland Vampire Mk. 3, one of 85 Vampires supplied to the RCAF.  The English Electric built Vampires served from 1948 thru 1956.

(Acrylic on board 18 x 24 inches.)  SOLD

my Harvard 216

Goofy formation of the Goldilocks all in some form of cross control with 216 featured as once flown with the Goldilocks (1962-64).  Harvard Mk. IV ex RCAF now  proudly owned by Olivier Combret of Kaleden, B.C.

(Acrylic on board 18 x 24 inches.)  SOLD

Wing Commander's TYPHOON

WgCdr R.T.P. Davidson DFC, the Canadian Wing Leader of 143 Wing (Canadian) of the RAF's 2 TAF. Hawker Typhoon Mk.1B serial MN518 leading the RCAF 438, 439 and 440 Squadrons. Davidson made a forced landing in France (engine failure, not this aircraft) in May 1944 and joined up with the French Resistance for four months. On the other side of the fuselage the aircraft displayed victory symbols for two German, two Italian and two Japanese aircraft shot down.

After the War, while on exchange from the RCAF, he flew F-86 Sabre jet fighters over Korea with the USAF.

(Acrylic on board 18 x 24 inches.) 


Royal Canadian Navy VF-870 Grey Ghosts' aerobatic team flying McDonnell F2H-3 Banshees. Procured used from the US Navy, the Banshee was the only carrier-based all weather air defence jet fighter used by the RCN from 1955 to 1962.

(Acrylic on board 18 x 24 inches.)

Victoria CANSO

Canadian Vickers built Consolidated PBY-5A presently located in Victoria,  B.C. registered C-FUAW ex. Buffalo Airways,  privately owned by Bob Dyck of Pacific Flying Boats Ltd.   This airworthy Canso is affiliated with The Catalina Preservation Society participating in the ongoing care and restoration.

Built for the RCAF as 11024 depicted as it appeared in 1944 at Pat Bay Seaplane (Victoria) base with 3 OTU.

(Acrylic on board 18 x 24 inches.)  SOLD

John's Chippy

De Havilland Canada DHC-1 Chipmunk proudly owned by John Phillips.  Located South of Calgary, John is a leader in the RR Merlin engine rebuilds for the Lancaster at the Nanton Museum.

(Oil on board 18 x 24 inches.)  SOLD

Harold Beaupre's Lancaster

Avro Lancaster R5484 (OL-V) of RAF No. 83 Squadron, target Pilsen, Germany, April 1943. Canadian F/L Harold Breaupre DFC, navigator, of the Lancaster crew, forced down in France and spend the remainder of the war as a prisoner in Stalag Luft 3.

(Oil on board 18 x 24 inches.)  SOLD

West Coast Air Defense

Hawker Hurricane Mk. XII serial 5389 (Built by Canadian Car & Foundry) over Patrica Bay Airfield, Vancouver Island, 1943. Flown by Flying Officer Gordon M. Hill, RCAF 133 'F' Squadron. This aircraft presently restored in Calgary, Alberta.

(Oil on board 18 x 24 inches.)  SOLD

Shulemson's Beaufighter

F/O S.S. “Sid” Shulemson of 404 Squadron RCAF was awarded the DSO (Distinguished Service Order) for action on January 26, 1944 in going back to the rescue of a 144 Squadron Beaufighter being attached by a German Bf-109G. He drove off the fighter and escaped after taking violent evasive action. The aircraft was a Bristol Beaufighter TF.X NE339 set up for R/P (rocket) attack that became very effective with 25 lb. Armour-piercing heads as a ship sinker.

(Digital painting reproducible to any size)

Peggy's Cove

Returning from patrol this Lockheed P2V-7 Neptune with 404 Squadron RCAF based at CFB Greenwood, strikes a gallant pose near the lighthouse at Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia. Canadian forces squadrons operated 25 Neptunes from 1955 thru to 1968 serving on both the East Coast and West Coast of Canada.

(Digital painting, reproducible to any size)

'F for Freddie'

May 9th 1945, de Havilland Mosquito Mark IX, serial LR503, 'F for Freddie' arrived in Calgary, Alberta. Before landing, Flight Lieutenant Maurice Briggs put on an aerial display, literally through the streets of downtown Calgary. At over 400 mph he buzzed the streets, flying below the roof tops of the Palliser Hotel and passing the Hudson's Bay Company building.

Flown by many different crews, Freddie flew the last operation, (213 - the most combat missions of any Allied Bomber) on 10th of April 1945, to the Wahren railway marshalling yards at Leipzig, Germany. Freddie then went on a Bond Tour of Canada.

(Oil on canvas 18 x 24 inches.)  SOLD

Curtiss C-46F Commando

The Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line employed this Canadian Pacific Airlines Curtiss C-46 Commando freighter from 1955 thru to 1958. Eight C-46's were purchased by CPA. Built in 1944 by Curtiss Aircraft these were war surplus, medium range cargo transports considered by many to be superior to the DC-3. She was double to the 'three', could carry double the load, passengers, fuel and fly higher.

(Oil on board 18 x 24 inches.) SOLD

PBY-5A Canso A

 Norcanair C-FNJF as a water bomber in June, 1980 flying out of Saskatchewan.  Built by Canadian Vickers in 1943 for the RCAF as 11005 and is presently flying for The Catalina Society at air shows out of Duxford, England as G-PBYA.

(18” x 24” Oil on board) SOLD

The Supersonic DC-8

The first transport aircraft to fly faster than the speed of sound !  August, 1961 this Douglas DC-8 Series 43 during a test flight to Edwards Air Force Base in California, accompanied by a Lockheed F-104A ‘chase plane’ exceeded Mach 1.

Canadian Pacific Airlines then flew CF-CPG, until March 1980.

(18” x 24” Oil on board) 

HMCS Saskatoon

Painting of HMCS Saskatoon off the coast of Vancouver Island. 

 Lt. Commander D.E. Botting (my son, David) was the C.O. from 2006 to 2009.

(Oil on canvas 18 x 14 inches.) SOLD


Supermarine Spitfire Mark IXb, MA831 piloted by F/O Andy MacKenzie of

421 (Red Indian) Squadron RCAF. Flying on Ramrod 375, Andy shot down

3 German Fighters (two FW-190s & one Bf-109) on December 20th 1943.

For this action Andy was awarded the DFC.

(18” x 24” Oil on board) SOLD

McKean CF-100

Avro Canada Mk 4B Canuck with 419 (AW) ‘Moose’ Squadron, circa 1960.

This painting of 18378 is dedicated to the memory of F/O Dick McKean.

419 Squadron RCAF was based in Baden-Soellingen (No.4 Wing) Germany.

(24” x 32” Oil on board) SOLD


North American P-51D Mustang, 9252 piloted by S/L George Stewart of 424(F) squadron RCAF (Aux).It was the 12th of April 1953 during the “MacBrien Trophy Shoot” at the Consecon Range near Trenton, which the squadron proudly won. 

(18” x 24” Oil on board)  SOLD

  AVRO CF-100

Mk 5 Canuck with 416 Lynx squadron, circa  1958.  This painting of 18759 is dedicated to the memory of F/O Joe Gulyes.  759 is presently on display at Canada's Aviation Hall of Fame in Wetaskiwin, Alberta. 

(18” x 24” Oil on board)  SOLD

Kittyhawk Mk.III

This Curtiss P-40K, FR350 of No. 260 Sqn depicted here flown by F/O ‘Stocky’ Edwards RCAF, Libya, North Africa, January 1943.    

(18” x 24” Oil on board)

Coastal Goose

Grumman Goose C-FIOL (s/n B107) of Pacific Coastal Airlines, Port Hardy, B.C.  Still serving the West Coast of British Columbia 

 (18” x 24” Oil on board)  SOLD

Andy's Merlin

Fellow Aviator Andy Gustafsson flying his Merlin home built Advanced Ultralight aircraft.  Depicted here with his skis during the winter of 2008.  

(18” x 24” Oil on board)  SOLD

Crazy Formation

“The Goldilocks” a Moose Jaw Harvard Aerobatic Team circa 1962-63.These North American Harvard 4’s were manufactured by Canadian Car & Foundry starting in 1951.The Instructor Pilots are reported to have said “this formation depicts how our students tended to fly in formation”.

(Oil on board 24 x 18 inches.) SOLD

Turbo’s Voodoo Shot

Twilight take-off of a 416 Squadron CF-101B Voodoo showing the distinctive shock cones with afterburner at full bore.  Crewed by Euan Black and Harry Redden, November 1975. Painting from ‘Turbo’ Tarling’s photo taken from the accompanying Voodoo in the formation take-off.

(Oil on canvas board 24 x 18 inches.)  SOLD


Barker’s Camel

Sopwith Camel B6313 flown by William Barker V.C. with No. 28 Sqn. RFC as it appeared in October of 1917.Barker went on to become Canada’s most decorated war hero.B6313 served Barker operationally an amazing 379 hours and 25 minutes!

(Oil on canvas 18 x 14 inches.) SOLD

Halifax ‘Bambi’

This Mk. III Handley Page Halifax bomber of 424 Squadron RCAF (QB-B) MZ 813, piloted by a 21 year old Jack Dundas, began operations in June of 1944.As depicted here ‘Bambi’ is showing 30 missions flown.

(Oil on canvas 18 x 14 inches.) SOLD


In 2003, the Canadian Air Force in Cold Lake, Alberta painted a CF-18 to promote the “Tiger Meet of the Americas”.The event features squadrons from around North America named after tigers or other felines.

(Oil on canvas 18 x 14 inches.)


Mosquito KA 114

This Canadian made De Havilland Mosquito Mk. 26 as it appeared flying into Vulcan, Alberta in May of 1945.The aircraft went into storage and has finally found it’s way to New Zealand where it is being totally rebuilt including all new wooden fuselage and wings.Jerry Yagen of the Fighter Factory in Virginia is financing the total restoration of the only flyable Mosquito left in the world.

(Oil on canvas 18 x 14 inches.) SOLD

Sabre 6

Canadair (North American) Sabre Mk.6 (F-86) as it appeared in 1962 with 439 Squadron.This European NATO assignment displayed the glory of the RCAF and the superior performance of the Sabre 6.

(Oil on canvas 18 x 14 inches.)  SOLD

Silver Star

This Canadair (Lockheed) T-33 as it appeared in 1966.In Canadian service from 1952 to 2002 the magnificent T-Bird gave many wonderful memories to all who drove her or watched it in the air. Canadair produced 656 under license.

(Oil on canvas 18 x 14 inches.) SOLD


Audet Spitfire

This Supermarine Spitfire Mk. IXe depicts Richard Audet from Lethbridge, Alberta in action in Northern Europe.December 29, 1944 Richard was leading a flight of 411 Squadron Spitfires and during this attack, his first opportunity to fire his guns, in anger, he shot down five German fighters.Richard vaulted into the ranks of Canada’s fighter aces in a single bold stroke.

(Oil on canvas 18 x 14 inches.)  SOLD


The most famous of all aircraft is the Douglas DC-3.Here we have an example flown by Canadian Pacific Airlines, depicted during the late 1950’s.The aircraft served across Canada and in the North during the DEW line construction.

(Oil on canvas 18 x 14 inches.)   SOLD


Corsair V.C.

Re-creation of Hammy Gray’s Chance Vought Corsair IV starting the attack on the ships in Onagawa Bay, Japan.On August 9, 1945, Lt. Hammy Gray of Nelson B.C., pressed home his attack sinking his destroyer target.He was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross.

(Oil on canvas 18 x 14 inches.)  SOLD

 418 Mosquito

This 418 Sqn. R.C.A.F. (City of Edmonton) De Havilland Mosquito VI was flown by Russ Bannock DFC.The aircraft received the nose character “Hairless Joe”, an Al Capp cartoon character from the “Li’lAbner Dog Patch” series.Russ Bannock was credited with 25½ victories and 418 was the highest scoring Canadian Squadron during WWII accounting for the destruction of 178 enemy aircraft.

(Oil on canvas 18 x 14 inches.)  SOLD

The Concorde

The British Airways’ Concorde shown ‘at altitude’!  A transport aircraft cruising at 60,000 ft. and Mach 2 (1,300 mph) would impress anybody. Sadly all 25 Concordes have been grounded, never to fly again.

(Oil on canvas 18 x 14 inches.)  SOLD


AETE’s ‘704 near Cold lake, Alberta, 1983.  The Canadair (Lockheed) CF-104 Starfighter was a sleek, timeless design some called the “missile with a man in it”.

(Oil on canvas 18 x 14 inches.)  SOLD


Super Universal

Depiction of the Fokker Super Universal CF-AAM on floats in the N.W.T. during the 1930’s.  Painted for Clark Seaborn who restored and flew this aircraft for many years before returning it to the Western Canada Aviation Museum in Winnipeg.

(Oil on canvas 18 x 14 inches.)  SOLD

Hudson escorting Kittyhawks

Lockheed Hudson, Mk. I, ca. 1942, 13 O.T.U. Squadron, R.C.A.F., based at PatricaBay (Victoria), B.C., leaving as escort for 12 P-40E Kittyhawks of 111 Squadron to a posting in Alaska.  My Dad was in the second seat of that Hudson as a wireless gunner.

(Oil on canvas 18 x 14 inches.)  SOLD



The Martin Mars Water Bomber in action.  Based on Vancouver Island to fight forest fires, this painting depicts ‘Hawaii Mars’, one of only the two surviving feisty dowagers.

(Acrylic on canvas 18 x 14 inches.)  SOLD


Soaring Gold

A flight of the magnificently flown Canadair F-86 Sabre Jets of the RCAF Golden Hawks display team.From 1959 through 1964 the famous team thrilled Canadians across the country.

(Acrylic on canvas,23 x 19 inches framed vertical) SOLD



The Avro Canada CF-105 Arrow was an outstanding achievement in aeronautical engineering.  The most advanced of all the fighters of the 1950s, was as impressive and successful as any aircraft in history.  But late in the decade it ran into a conflict of interests of a wholly political nature that were at once idiotic, traumatic and tragic.

(Acrylic on canvas18 x 14 inches”)  SOLD




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