
Ahyoung Choi, Ph. D 

Department of AI and Software, Gachon University

65 Bokjung Dong, Sujeong Gu, Seongnam City

Gyeonggi Do 461-701, South Korea

Office: AI building 434 (AI관)

Contact: +82-31-750-8656

Email: aychoi AT gachon DOT ac DOT kr, choi.ahyoung AT gmail DOT com

I'm currently an associate professor of the department of AI and software at Gachon University, Seongnam, South Korea (2016 spring -). Before joining here, I worked at Samsung electronics (Suwon, S. Korea) from 2012 to 2016. In there, I participated in healthcare projects in which I developed algorithms to understand health and wellness related conditions of users based on biosignal processing, statistical data analysis for wearable/portable healthcare devices. From 2011 to 2012, I joined the Virtual Human project under Jonathan Gratch  of Institute of Creative Technology, University of Southern California (California, USA) (https://ict.usc.edu/ ). I received BS from Ewha Womans Univ. (Seoul, S. Korea) in 2004. I completed MS and Ph.D. from GIST (Gwangju, S. Korea) under prof. Woontack Woo ( http://uvrlab.org/ ) in 2005 and 2011, respectively. 

My research has been related to mobile healthcare, human-computer interaction, affective computing, context awareness and its application to agents, interfaces and mobile systems.

M.S./Ph.D./Pos-doc openings: 

We are looking for positive and passionate persons pursuing the graduate program and finding a postdoctoral position. If you have an interest in physiological signal analysis, machine learning, deep learning, and healthcare/wellness applications, please feel free to contact me by mail (aychoi@gachon.ac.kr). 

학부생 연구원, 석/박사 과정, 박사후 과정 연구원을 모집하고 있습니다.  관심있는 학생들은 이메일로 지원해 주세요.