
Welcome to my web page, I am an economist, Professor at the Université of Poitiers, I am affiliated to Crief and FR CNRS TEPP. I am also a research associate at the Chaire "Energie et Prospérité", at Mines ParisTech where I am co-head (with PN Giraud) of the Chaire "Industrial Economics of Emerging Africa" and at the Institut des Migrations. I was previously Associate Professor at Le Mans Université (2010-2020), affiliated to the GAINS, a research economist at Cepii (Paris) (2007-2010) and a research fellow at the Robert Schumann Center for Advanced Studies at European University Institute (2006-2008). I hold a PhD from Toulouse School of Economics. I pursue my research on the broad field of labor and especially on issues related to human capital, migrations and public policies. You will find here my published articles and other working papers and work in progress. Please feel free to contact me in case you need a non gated version of my published work or if you have any questions on other research material. I also worked as a an expert and consultant for international organizations working in the field of economic development and the evaluation of public policies (World Bank, United Nations Development Program). I teach applied econometrics and labor economics, at both graduate and undergraduate level, and I am involved in teaching economics, statistics and econometrics geared toward executives and other non-academic professionals at ENSAE-ENSAI (Cepe).


Université de Poitiers

UFR Droit, Economie et Gestion

2 Rue Jean Carbonnier, 86000 Poitiers