I am Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics of Universidad Nacional de San Luis (since May 2022) and Assistant Professor in the School of Engineering and Environmental Sciences of Universidad Nacional de Villa Mercedes (since April 2018). 

I completed my Ph.D. in Mathematics at Universidad Nacional de San Luis in December 2014. My current research focuses on mechanism design, matching, and social choice theory. 

I previously earned degrees in Economics and Mathematics from Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto.

You can find my CV here.

Find my profiles in Google Scholar, IDEAS-RePEc, RedNIE, arXiv, ResearchGate, ORCID, MathSciNet, and Math Genealogy.  

Mail: agustinbonifacio@gmail.com

My Erdös Number is 4: P. Erdös - P. Fishburn - R. Rosenthal - J. Massó - A. Bonifacio (calculate) 

My genealogical tree all the way back to Leibniz