Alexander S. Gorbenko

Professor of Finance

Department of Economics and School of Management, University College London


Alexander Gorbenko is a Professor of Economics and Finance at the Department of Economics and School of Management, University College London. He previously was an Assistant Professor of Finance at London Business School (2010-2014) and an Assistant Professor of Finance and Business Economics at Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California (2014-2020). He holds degrees from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (M.Sc., Applied Math and Physics, 2004), New Economic School, Moscow (M.A., Economics, 2005), and Stanford University Graduate School of Business (Ph.D., Finance, 2010).

Alexander's research interests are theory and structural estimation in areas of capital structure, market design, financial auctions, mergers and acquisitions, venture capital, and private equity. His work includes papers published in the American Economic Review, the Journal of Finance, the Review of Financial Studies, and the Journal of Financial Economics. Among other awards, Alexander has received the NASDAQ OMX Award for the best asset pricing paper by the Western Finance Association. His current research includes:

1. The timing and method of payment in mergers, acquisitions, and asset sales

2. Heterogeneity of bidders, its impact on participation and outcomes of asset sales, in particular takeovers

3. The timing and terms of deals between entrepreneurs and private equity/venture capital investors

(For more detail on current and previous research, see Research section)