Gradisca foto 01

Tre rondini

tre rondini - ho visto volare  - nel cielo  - del tempo a fiorire

nel respiro del vento - teso da est  - fremiti d'ali

ritrovate  - emozioni

re 28 marzo 2007

Our Bridge

The Light of Africa is our Bridge of collaboration between Africa and Italy.

The general intention of this organisation is to study and understand what Africa is.

Africa is the Heart Beat of the earth.

This organisation which has already commenced work here in Italy produces similar groups.

A major objectives of this group is to go back to Africa with the "Helias das Licht" method.

Italy will be the place where we learn and return to Africa.

To and forth, just the "Rondine" - Children of future (BBF).

By the group of Akim.