Ana Filipa Sequeira

My PhD thesis, was focused on iris and fingerprint biometrics: "Liveness Detection and Robust Recognition in Iris and Fingerprint Biometric Systems".

I carried out my PhD in Electrical and Computing Engineering at FEUP (Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto) and INESC TEC Porto as a member of Vision Computing and Machine Intelligence Group and supervised by Jaime S. Cardoso.

Short Curriculum Vitae:

Contact: afilipaseq at gmail dot com

Interests: Biometrics, Machine Learning and Image Processing. Cryptography. Mathematics Education.

My Google Scholar Citations; my Linkedin Profile; my DBLP profile; my Semantic Scholar profile; my Research Gate profile; my Academia Profile; and my ORCID.

From 2015 to August 2018, was a PDRA at University of Reading working with James Ferryman in the EU projects PROTECT & FastPass.

Previously, I collaborated as an expert at IrisGuard UK in order to identify the vulnerabilities of EyePay® technology’s to spoofing and to develop a proof-of-concept of an iris anti-spoofing measure.

About me...

I am an Assistant Researcher (PhD) at INESC TEC, Porto, Portugal, actively involved in the project AUTOMOTIVE - AUTOmatic multiMOdal drowsiness detecTIon for smart Vehicles, among other activities.