  author    = {Manuel Campos-Taberner and
               Adriana Romero-Soriano and
               Carlo Gatta and
               Gustau Camps-Valls and
               Adrien Lagrange and
               Bertrand Le Saux and
               Anne Beaupere and
               Alexandre Boulch and
               Adrien Chan-Hon-Tong and
               Stephane Herbin and
               Hicham Randrianarivo and
               Marin Ferecatu and
               Michal Shimoni and
               Gabriele Moser and
               Devis Tuia},
  title     = {Processing of Extremely High-Resolution LiDAR and RGB Data: Outcome of the 2015 IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest–Part A: 2-D Contest},
  journal   = {{IEEE} Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Eearth Observations and Remote Sensing},
  year      = {2016},