Dr. Adrienn Ujhelyi

Ujhelyi, Adrienn PhD - Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Institute of Psychology, Department of Social and Educational Psychology, lecturer

Current research interests

  • social psychology of the internet

  • social psychology of Facebook

  • social psychology of Artificial Intelligence



A. Atakan M., Ujhelyi Adrienn, Logemann H. N. Alexander (2022) Exposure to Depression Memes on Social Media Increases Depressive Mood and It Is Moderated by Self-Regulation: Evidence From Self-Report and Resting EEG Assessments . Frontiers in Psychology, 13.

Ujhelyi, A., Almosdi, F., Fodor, A. (2022). Would You Pass the Turing Test? Influencing Factors of the Turing Decision. Psychological Topics, 31 (1).

Fejes-Vékássy, L., Ujhelyi, A. & Faragó, L. From #RelationshipGoals to #Heartbreak – We use Instagram differently in various romantic relationship statuses. Curr Psychol (2020).

Brandt, M. J., Kuppens, T., Spears, R., Andrighetto, L., Autin, F., Babincak ... & Zimmerman, J. L. (2020). Subjective status and perceived legitimacy across countries. European Journal of Social Psychology.

Social Machines: Social Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction (w Almosdi) (2018) The Inquisitive Mind, 38.

Klein, R. A., Vianello, M., Hasselman, F. ........ Graham, J. (2018): Many Labs 2: Investigating Variation in Replicability Across Sample and Setting . Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science

Emergence of polarized opinions from free associaton networks (with File, B.) 2018. Behavior Research Methods

Psychoactive Substance Use and Problematic Internet Use as Predictors of Bullying and Cyberbullying Victimization (with Zsila, Á., Orosz G. et al.). International Journal of Mental Health Addiction. 2017.

The social affirmation use of social media as a motivator for collective action (with AnnaKende, Martijn van Zomeren, Nora Anna Lantos). Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 2016.

Putting the Social (Psychology) into Social Media (with Kende, A., Joinson, A., Greitemeyer, T.) European Journal of Social Psychology, 2015.

Sharing on Facebook: From "Loners" to "Popularity Seekers". (with Eva Szabó). In: Ten years of Facebook. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Argumentation and Rhetoric, held in Oradea, Romania. Partium Press, Oradea.

Internet and Psychology. Editorial introduction. (with Anna Kende). Alkalmazott Pszichológia, 2014. 1.

New media from a social psychological perspective: characteristics, theories and social impact.

Digitális nemzedék - szociálpszichológiai nézőpontból [Digital generation - from a social psychological aspect](2013) Digitális Nemzedék Konferencia - absztraktkötet

Do virtual groups look real? Perception of online groups. In: Kiss P. (ed.): Social-Political Contexts for Intergroup Relations and Public Thought (megjelenés alatt)

Online csoportok percepciója. [Perception of online groups] In: Fülöp M., Szabó É. (2012): A pszichológia mint társadalomtudomány. A 70 éves Hunyady György tiszteletére. Eötvös Kiadó, Budapest.

Online csoportok kívülről és belülről. [Online groups from inside and from outside. Social psychological study of online groups] PhD-dolgozat. Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Budapest, 2012.

Online közösségek anonimitása. [Anonymity of online communities] Digitális Nemzedék Konferencia, konferenciakötet, 2012.

Online csoportok kívülről és belülről. [Online groups from inside and from outside] Oktatás-Informatika, 2011. 3-4.

Információs társadalom-lélektan. Internet és szociálpszichológia. [Information-Society-Psychology] Világosság, 2003/3–4.

Iskola 2.0. Digitális generáció az oktatásban, [School 2.0. The education of the digital generation] Iskolakultúra, 2009/11.

Digitális generáció. [Digital generation] Alkalmazott Pszichológia, 2007/1.

Conference lectures and posters

Almosdi, F., Ujhelyi, A.: I don't agree with you, so you must be a machine. 8th International Congress on Technology, Science and Society. 9-11 January 2019, Lisbon, Portugal

Kapornaky, M., Ujhelyi A.: “It Made Me Angry, I Commented on It!” The Impact of Reactions to News on Facebook on Commenting and Sharing. 9th International Conference on Social Media & Society, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2018. 18-20th July

Fejes-Vékássy, L., Ujhelyi, A.: From #RelationshipGoals to #Heartbreak – How does romantic relationship status effect the patterns of Instagram activity? 9th International Conference on Social Media & Society, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2018. 18-20th July

Motivational background of selfie-taking. Social Networking in Cyberspace, Wolverhampton, UK. 3-4. September, 2015.

When positive intergroup contact fails to reduce prejudice: the lack of generalization effect in a segregated society (with Anna Kende and Nóra Lantos). EASP Small Group Meeting in Budapest, June 18-20. 2015.

Sharing on Facebook: a social psychological perspective. Argumentor: Ten years of Facebook. Oradea, Romania, 5-6 September, 2014.

Anna Kende, Adrienn Ujhelyi & Nóra Lantos: Predictors of enduring political participation in the context of online activism: Student protests in Hungary. 17th EASP General Meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 9-12 July 2014.

Anna Kende, Adrienn Ujhelyi & Nóra Lantos: The social psychology of enduring political protests: University Occupation in Budapest. 2nd Interdisciplinary Conference on Social Protest, Canterbury, UK, 28-29th March 2014.

Anna Kende, Adrienn Ujhelyi & Nóra Lantos: 2013 Student protests in Hungary: “Don’t just like it, organize it”. "(Mis)understanding political participation", Munich, Germany. 11-12. October 2013

The practice of out-group rejection in light of ascribing responsibility for group membership. Poster on EASP Medium Size Meeting 'Intergroup conflict: the cognitive, emotional and behavioral consequences of communication'. June 27-30. 2013, Utrecht, The Netherlands Az elutasítás sajátosságai a csoporttagsággal kapcsolatos felelősségtulajdonítás függvényében. (with Anna Kende) MPT Nagygyűlés, Budapest, 2013. jún. 6. Oszd meg és... A Facebookon történő megosztás szociálpszichológiai vonatkozásai. [Share it... Social psychological aspects of sharing on Facebook] MPT Nagygyűlés, Budapest, 2013. jún. 6. Digitális nemzedék – szociálpszichológiai nézőpontból. [Digital generation -from a social psychological aspect] Budapest, 2013. máj. 10.

Online identitásunk. [Our online identity] Pszinapszis XVII. Budapest.

Other activities

European Journal of Social Psychology - Guest editor of the Special Section "Putting Social (Psychology) into Social Media" with Adam Joinson and Anna Kende

Videos and pictures of conference lectures

Otthonosan az interneten. Budapest. Előadás a Harmadik Kor Egyetemén. 2012. november 5.

Digitális nemzedék - szociálpszichológiai nézőpontból. Digitális Nemzedék Konferencia, Budapest, 2013. márc. 2.

Digital generation from a social psychological aspect. Budapest, 10th May, 2013


2002-2005. PhD student (ELTE Institute of Psychology)

2004-től assistant professor (ELTE Institute of Psychology)

2007 visiting professor (University of Szeged)

2011 onwards lecturer (ELTE Higher Education Management)

2012 onwards lecturer (ELTE Institute of Psychology)

2013. September guest lecturer (Nantes University, France)

2014. October guest lecturer (Bicocca University, Milan, Italy)


  • Social Psychology (in Hungarian)

  • Research methodologies in social psychology (in Hungarian)

  • Study and Communications Skills (in Hungarian)

  • Virtual worlds in childhood (in Hungarian)

  • Social Psychology of the internet (in Hungarian)

  • Developmental Psychology (in Hungarian)

  • Social Psychology (in English)

  • Study and Communication Skills (in English)

  • Media analysis

    • General Research Methods (in English)


2010-2011. Social representation of anonymity. PhD research

2011-2012. Motivations behind joining online groups. PhD research

2011-2012. Perceived anonymity and entitativity of online groups. PhD research

2012-2013. The social and cognitive aspects of sharing motivations of Facebook users in relation to their sense of responsibility. With Szabó Éva from the University of Szeged

2013. Outgroup rejection and the attribution of responsibility. With Anna Kende, ELTE.

2013. Online political activism. Case study with Anna Kende and Nóra Lantos, ELTE

2014. Oversharing on Facebook. Identifying the most important predictors. With Anna Kende.

2014. Facebook non-use

2015. Media representation of cyberbullying in Hungarian print media

2015. Motivational background of selfie-taking