
OUR NEW OFFICIAL SITE  is now  see  https://www.dfsailing.com.au/

This site is soon to be closed and we ask that your Club changes and links to this site to https://www.dfsailing.com.au/ 

Welcome to the now very  temporary site for DF sailors registered with the Australian DF Radio Sailing Association Inc. (ADFRSA Inc)

Membership Application

0ne of the main roles of the roles  of the  ADFRSA Inc is to represent the sailors who sail the DF clases of boats and assist that one design class to prosper for the benefit of members and their community. We believe there are about 1800 boats sailing regularly across the country, and it has over 1350 members in Australia .

The Association is partnered  with  ARYA and represents members as the Class Association for Australia as amember of the International DF Class Association Inc.  (IDFCA)

If there are issues that affect the boats /modifications  etc in the One Design class rules member should send their request for changes amendments to the Secretary of the ADFRSA Inc.