Post date: Sep 30, 2014 5:6:27 PM

Welcome to the 2014/2015 Adams Road school year.

We are excited to finally be back!

Because of the late start, we have lots of things to get done in a short amount of time. So, grab your calendars and prepare to get organized!

First PAC Meeting

Wednesday October 8 at 6:30

Guest: Nancy Smith "Parenting in the Digital Age"

First PAC meeting of the year is Wednesday October 8 at 6:30 (It was discussed last year to start a little later, but due to speaker and babysitter issues, we have had to start this one at 6:30). Our guest speaker will be Nancy Smith and the topic is 'Parenting in the Digital Age'. We will have coffee, treats and limited childcare will be provided by our new grade 7 class. Please RSVP to adamsroad@hotmail.com (if possible) so we ensure we have enough sitters. Click here for meeting agenda.

Other PAC meetings are scheduled for November 25, February 25 and the AGM April 28th. Times and speakers TBA.

Hot Lunch

Hot lunch will be starting up soon!

Watch for notices coming home and click here for more information about dates and how our online ordering system works.

Entertainment Books

Entertainment Books will be coming home with your children soon! This is a fantastic fundraiser for our PAC. Information on selling books, incentives and important dates coming soon.

Class Parents

Class parents will be needed for each class. This is a great way to get involved with your child's school and teacher and get to know other parents. Click here to get more information about being a class parent. Notices and information will be sent home soon!

Important Dates

Important dates including fundraisers, free family events and PAC meetings are listed on the school's calendar. Click here to view the school calendar. And check back often for changes or additions!

Please mark your calendars!

-We will be hosting our annual 'Tree Chipping and Bottle Drive' on Saturday January 3.

-Our 2nd annual Free Family Ice Skate will be held Sunday January 4th 9:30-11:30am.

-Pub Night/Parent Social will be Saturday Feb 7th.