
McAfee antivirus detects and completely removes any sort of threat that your system may face. It is capable of fending off modern viruses and prevalent malware to provide all-round security on a number of devices. You just need to visit mcafee.com/activate in your web browser to download mcafee in your system using 25 digit mcafee activate product key.

Create mcafee account from mcafee.com

  1. Go to McAfee website - mcafee.com/activate
  2. On the right top corner click MY ACCOUNT.
  3. You will be asked to sign-in or Create An Account.
  4. Choose Create An Account and fill the email details.
  5. Follow on screen instructions to complete the process.

How to simply download McAfee products on a PC?

Download mcafee using the given below steps:

  1. Visit the link provided on your package www.mcafee.com/activate through any internet browser you wish.
  2. Log in if you have an existing McAfee account.
  3. Create a new one if you do not have an existing McAfee account.
  4. Select the preferred payment method and finish up the payment to get the product.
  5. Go to the “My Account” tab.
  6. Download the McAfee setup from there.
  7. Cautiously read through the terms and conditions along with license agreement.
  8. When you are finished reading, press “agree” to conclude the process.
  9. The downloading and installation process time entirely depends on your internet speed and system specifications.

Install Your McAfee Software

Follow the steps given here:

  1. Click on mcafee.com/activate
  2. To sign in into your account.
  3. In an existing user account, you will need to enter only your email id and password.
  4. If you don’t have an existing account, then Create a New User Account.
  5. Creating your account, tap on My Account.
  6. Choose the McAfee subscription that you wish to install.
  7. Click on Install Now.
  8. Tap on Run Wait for the process to get completed.