Testimony to Giving

ACT5! was created to encourage others to discover their capacity for authentic happiness, through the practice of giving from the heart, one kind act at a time.

A deep loss in 2007 marked a significant crossroads, after which I silently struggled to function to manage daily tasks and work, when a sudden opportunity to lead a group of teens in a community project came along. It was inconceivable to imagine finding energy to volunteer beyond the work day, but for some reason I said, "Yes". 

I served as a volunteer team leader for ULI-LA for the following five years, and during these times of purposeful interaction, I was immersed in flow and my grief became more manageable.

Slowly, I gave myself permission to be happy, to make sense out of the world.

Giving is healing, and one cannot know this until one tries it.When people say "I need to help myself first, before I help anyone else" the best way to go about this is to open your heart and mind, and make small efforts, one kind act at a time.
