Fresh Strawberry Ice Cream

        From the blog For Love of the Table

1 lb. strawberries (about 1 1/2 pints), washed & hulled

1 c. sugar

2 c. cold heavy cream

1 c. milk

8 egg yolks

1 t. vanilla

a pinch of salt

Mash the strawberries with a potato masher or pass them through a food mill; if you prefer not to have chunks in your ice cream, purée the strawberries in the food processor. Stir in 1/4 c. of the sugar. Set aside and let macerate for at least 1 hour (overnight in the refrigerator is even better—the longer the strawberries and sugar sit together, the less likely your ice cream will have frosty little bits of strawberries).


Place the milk and 1 cup of the cream in a medium-sized, non-reactive saucepan and bring to a boil. While the milk mixture is heating, add the cold cream to the bowl of strawberries; set aside and keep cold. Whisk the egg yolks with the remaining 3/4 c. of sugar until thick. When the milk boils, temper the egg yolks by gradually whisking in about a half cup of the hot milk mixture. Stir the tempered egg mixture back into the saucepan and place the pan over medium heat. Cook, stirring constantly, until the custard begins to thicken and a path forms when you draw your finger across the custard-coated back side of the spoon—if you have an instant-read thermometer it should read about 175° (don't let it go much higher—the eggs will scramble at 180°). Stop the cooking process by immediately straining the custard into the bowl of cold strawberries and cream. Stir in the vanilla and salt. Refrigerate until cold, stirring occasionally. (Speed up the chilling process by setting the bowl of custard in an ice bath.). Cover until ready to use. 


Freeze the ice cream in an ice cream machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Transfer to a freezer container and freeze for an hour or two before serving. Makes about 5 cups of ice cream.