Cream Cheese Frosting
From the blog For Love of the Table
8 T. (4 oz.) unsalted butter, room temperature
2 c. (8 oz.) powdered sugar
2 t. vanilla
8 oz. cream cheese (do not soften—see notes), cut into eight cubes
Using a stand mixer with the paddle attachment, cream the butter briefly to smooth out. Add the sugar and vanilla and turn the mixer on low speed, mixing until the powdered sugar is absorbed and the mixture is clumpy. Turn the machine to high and beat until light and fluffy, scraping once—a minute or two. Scrape the bowl. Add the cream cheese and beat at high speed for 30 to 40 seconds—just until the cream cheese has been incorporated and the frosting is smooth again (prolonged beating after the addition of the cream cheese can make the frosting too soft).
If you don't have a stand mixer. Soften both the butter and the cream cheese to room temperature. When soft enough to mix by hand, place the cream cheese and butter in a bowl and beat by hand just to blend. Beat in the vanilla. Beat in the sugar a half cup at a time.
If you like, add 2 or 3 drops of food color.