Science Friday

The purpose of Science Fridays is for students to share current events in any area of science they find interesting, and to earn a few extra credit points.

Articles shared must

a. be from well known, reputable sources of information, such as newspapers or science magazines.

b. be current; the article must be brought to class, it's source and dated cited in class.

The article should

a. identify the researchers,

b. identify the purpose of the research,

c. provides some details of data collected and analyzed, and

d. describe conclusions drawn.

You do not need to write up anything!!! Just share your current event orally in class and submit the article to the instructor! It's easy, fun, interesting for all!

Science Fridays are usually scheduled every two weeks, but check the calendar!!

Remember that in order to earn extra credit points in this class you must be earning a grade of at least C or better, and have turned in all class and homework assignments.

Extra credit does not replace required work, it's in addition to required work.