Homepage - Abhishek Parakh
Professor of Computer Science
Director of the Computer Science PhD Program
Kennesaw State University
Contact Information
Email: aparakh@kennesaw.edu (best way to contact)
Office: Atrium Building, Room 302
Phone: 470-578-3547 (do not leave voicemail)
Office hours (Spring 2025): Wednesdays 12-1.30pm
Mailing Address: 1100 South Marietta Pkwy, Maildrop # 9047, Marietta, GA 30060
Useful Links:
Computer Science PhD Program at KSU: https://www.kennesaw.edu/degrees-programs/doctoral-degrees/computer-science.php
Clark Library: https://clark.center/users/aparakh
Ph.D., Computer Science, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, USA - 2011
Dissertation Title: New information dispersal techniques for trustworthy computing
Advisor: Subhash Kak
M.S., Electrical Engineering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA - 2007
B.S., Electronics and Communications Engineering, National Institute of Technology - Jalandhar (formerly REC-Jalandhar), India - 2005
Academic Positions
Kennesaw State University (2022- )
Director of the Computer Science Ph.D. Program
Professor (tenured) (current)
Associate Professor of Computer Science (tenured) (2022-2024)
University of Nebraska Omaha (2011-2022)
Associate Professor of Cybersecurity (2017 tenured)
Mutual of Omaha Distinguished Chair of Information Science and Technology
Director of Nebraska University Center for Cybersecurity (NebraskaCYBER) (Feb 2022 - Aug 2022)
Undergraduate Cybersecurity Program Chair (2014 - 2022)
CAE CD (Cyber Defense) Lead/PI (2014 - 2022)
CAE CO (Cyber Operations) Lead/PI (2017 - 2022)
Assistant Professor of Cybersecurity (2011)
Funding (major)
As PI:
NSF-SaTC-EDU, QUINTET: Quantum Internet Education and Training Synthesizer, $397,907, 2023-2025.
QUARCEL: Quantum Resistant Cryptography Education Labs (Post-Quantum Cryptography), $105,584, NSA/Towson NCAE-C Cybersecurity Curriculum Project, 2022-2024.
Quark: An Intelligent Adaptive Education Platform for Quantum Cybersecurity, $149,397, University of Nebraska Collaboration Initiative Grant, 2022-present (PI responsibilities transferred to Co-PI before moving from UNO).
United States Department of State (DOS), $113,908, Indo-US Partnership 2020: Cybersecurity Consortium, 2020-2022
NSF SaTC-EDU, QuaSim: A Virtual Interactive Quantum Cryptography Educator – A Project-based Gamified Educational Paradigm, $306,037, 2016-2020.
NSA NCCP, Quantum Cryptography Laboratories, $184,085, 2017-2019. Quantum Cryptography Labs
As Co-PI:
NSF CC* Network-Campus, $634,440, Advancing High-Speed Networking for STEM Research and Education at Kennesaw State University, 2024-2026.
NSF SFS, $2,170,960, Scholarship for Service, 2018-2023.
NSF SFS, $1,808,585, Scholarship for Service, 2012-2018.
Teaching (at KSU)
Introduction to Cryptography and its Applications (Grad)
Teaching (at UNO)
Quantum Computing and Cryptography (Ugrad/Grad)
Distributed Systems and Network Security (Grad)
Applied Cryptography (Grad)
Cryptography (Ugrad)
Introduction to Information Security (Ugrad)
Linux Security Administration (Ugrad)