
Past HISTORY Now 2015 ... 2150 ...

On this Earth


Sites specially built for smartphones, tabs, laptops ...,

with easy navigation graphics and tools, designed for

fast text-image zooming, 1 finger scroll (pro) reading,

1 click-tap linking, clear displays of multiple levels,

depths, subsections, site-entries, anim-icons, double

triple sign-button text-identifiers, page < back-next >

linked arrows, never-lost return-further mentions ...

(here), ready for next generations of "NoTouch" and

"Thinkonly" devices with multiple internets access …

Often at Trade Shows, worldwide : * ** SEA

A Top Mega Site

A Top Mega Site linking each small questions of

ours, to The Real Big Global Things all around us ...

Probably 1 of the most advanced websites

on most internet, intranet, & extranet systems

4 personal, org, gov, & co. use, even with DHT,

QEC, & Alint, DI, DW, ...

This Mega Site can be freely used as 1 architecture model 4 a new

European Internet (from 2015), or for many new continental internets

during the 3rd decade of this Century, and in the further Far Future

societies of this Millennium ...

Signs & Symbols Systems mmp

Symbology Free arrows

Highlighted and/or underlined

words, signs, arrows, symbols,

& images, are all hyperlinked to

colour-codes, further web sites,

or new pages within a site.

Further to :


together on a 1st page of Entangled categories,

or on 4 separate pages for each of these topics :



Back to Google Special4u

28 - EARTH +


29 - LIFE +


Many pages of this Top Mega Site are under daily

upgrading by its members, as mentioned below :


Completely, really free, no fee, no trick,

no registration, no download, no install,

no listing of IP address, no ad, no popup,

nothing for sale, no reselling your data to

commercial marketing, no GPS tracking,

no email sent if not agreed before with you

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Just for surfing, for browsing, for your info.

Modified by members only : Use personal backdoors.

Daily codes change at office hours in your time zone.

Worldwide com hours : 01:00-06:00 GMT + 2:00

Many accesses & backdoors

No Sign in = ### if not a member after applying by email

and getting an ok reply. Free open email : wetry2@gmail.com

This Mega Site is updated, upgraded, & modified, by members

only. Secure https cookies thru Google & other reliable sites.

Need a 2nd Earth somewhere ?

Here ? or at 28 earth + ? or Here ?

Want a flooded or an icy Earth ? Climate

Both are coming, sooner than you think ?

With Real Big Questions - Big 1s ...

Maximum ocean flooding 170 m ???

Next Ice Age ? For sure, but when ???

Oceans will flood but won't rise more than about 1 to 12 m higher for the next 150 years ?

Ice is also coming, that' s certain, and it can take between 30 to about 300 years, or more,

to start re-icing ? First, it will be 3 to 12 o Celsius warmer from now and on, for about

150 years ? A "Warm peak", before each new "Deep freeze" that will "dive" to about

- 30 to - 80 o Celsius winter time ? The ice will thicken to up to an average of 1 to 4 km ?

Seattle and parts of USA, Chicago, New York, London, Paris, Berlin, Prag, Moscow ..., will

be covered with thick ice, much higher than any of the highest buildings of today 2014 ?

Central America, maybe the Iberian coasts, surely the French and Italian Riviera, the

Balkans, Greece, South Black Sea areas, Rain Forests, S E Asia, Japan … will still be

nice places to live in ... ? Your grand children grand kids better learn new languages !

Scientific facts of the last 1 billion years

Coriolis effects on global-climate (2014 - 2150)

Climate Change Polar Ice really melting quick

New Freshwater ???

Starting here, here, here, here, here,

at Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery,

at European Satellites Programmes, and

at Google, and here > ### 2015 to 2150 ...

In your life time, that is in a near Future


Special for you, a site for Your Future,

today for tomorrow, and later, with a

choice of 32 actual, hot, Future Topics,

related to deep changes in our present

society, and to how it'll probably look like

in its Future Developments.

Many examples of selected elements

for easy building attractive web pages,

sites ..., on many Internet systems, for

several European Internets, and for

Future Internets on Each Continent ...,

for sure in Many Languages, but What if ?

Man-made Electrical Power Grid Breaches,

Power Grid Natural Breaches

pc colorado

Video Sharing Sites Green Hilites = Videos

Many pages and web creations by PAT

at 50MEGS Angelfire Olaricss ...

Sites mostly powered by Google

OS ( Lists ) ( +/- of LINUX )

You can also select yourself, any

shorter or longer list of apps, programs,

or questions, items, topics, subjects ...

For any School, Educational or Rehab

programme, Higher Education or

Higher Studies, University Studies

( Lists of Universities ), Research and

& Development program, curriculum, data,

matter, course, lesson, theme, assignment ...

Interesting or relevant for you, for the

people just around you, or on any spot on

Earth, specially for suddenly, spontaneously,

informally, networking groups of people,

Girls, Women, LGBTQ, Boys, Men ...

Sign in Top of page Google Wikipedia


Donkey Kong JR video Games by 1982

Prince of Persia video Games by 1989

Video Games 2014 Games by 2015 ...

More examples of selected items,

topics, questions, press articles,

books, references, images, videos ...,

sorted on the web in a 20-year-old

Special4u Archive of institution and

public Library, Internet searched,

"categorized", "Googled" keywords :

In 1994 to 2011, and in 2012, 2013,

Olaricss Angelfire Index, 2014, and from

2015 ... to 2150 at 1st, and then beyond ...

Many Videos about Future Life on Earth,

also focused on elsewhere ...

∞ ∞ ∞



Also more than 360 video making, editing,

producing, free video sharing systems, video

websites ..., selected thru these listed and

checked URLs, and here.

To important questions for you at Google,

or to Special coverage & hot topics.

A 2nd EARTH +

A very complex problem if any, but still thinkable ??? ... :

Very complex questions in English, French, German ... :

Can Mind be separated from a Body left on this Earth

(possibly stored), travel in Space otherwise than on

board a rocket with a physical spacecraft, to an other

far away sky object (possibly a planet suitable for an

evolutive biological life similar to this one on this Earth),

an recreate by itself a new Mind-Body DNA association

similar to the one we have here for still a while more ???

Send any constructive suggestion here : wetry2@gmail.com

28 - Earth + Space Conquest




References for all these works, research results,

and public material mentioned on this page,

are all directly linked to the names of their authors,

often and abundantly quoted on the Internet.

More info about these researchers and their works

at Google and other specialized Search Engines.

Anonymity info :

Onion routing

Tor (anonymity network)

Degree of anonymity

Cryptology ePrint Archive

Hash HashKeeper DHT ...

for a rather secure transmission of most scientific

written material and info, but NOT 100% !!!

Own layout, options, & web design

New internet systems on their way

32 entangled

ag Categories of Top Topics

selected, associated, and grouped in rapidly changing

Present & Future Issues, and in "Dynamic" background

for these interchangeable top topic categories, and their

sorting, classification, designation, here above/below, from

1st time displayed 1994, upgraded & updated yearly since,

until latest 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 ..., clearly linking

henceforth, with different colour and background highlight

codes for Google Algorithm and Quantum Entanglement,

to these 32 newly selected and categorized topics :

- 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 -

- 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 -

- 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 -

- 30 - 31 - 32 - DONATIONS -


Top 100 sites by PAT at Angelfire

and many web creations originally written,

composed, & layouted by PAT from 1994

to 2014, are now managed by Olaricss

Email to Special4u : wetry2@gmail.com

Already members sign in

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"The Special4u many approaches"

Further to Languages


together on a 1st page of Entangled categories,

or on 4 separate pages for each of these topics :