August 12-25, 2011, Schloss Weikersheim, Germany

"Being a participant in the 7th International Music Workshop and Festival (IMWF) was a very rewarding and enriching experience and was a great opportunity to work with world-class faculty and upcoming young professionals. Previously, I had worked with Kyoko Hashimoto, piano faculty, at McGill University, so I knew that IMWF would be filled with passion and very high standards for music-making. Benzion Shamir, violin faculty, and RaphaelRosenfeld, cello faculty, were also great coaches and inspired the participants to be better chamber musicians. By the end of the festival, I had changed as a musician; I left the festival with a more diversified sound palette, and with a more mature interpretation of music. It was very satisfying to be able to perform our pieces in their entirety for such warm audiences as we had at Schloss Stetten and Schloss Kirchberg. The best part of IMWF was meeting musicians from all over the world – snippets of at least five languages could be heard at dinner table conversation, and there were many intercultural discussions, regarding music or otherwise. The colleagues that I met at IMWF will be friends for life."

-Alissa Cheung

These are the words from former participants describing the International Music Workshop and Festival for the past 7 years. It is a unique, very rewarding and enjoyable summer festival for advanced musicians. This year will be its 8th edition, and we have established very nice community of musicians from all over the world and the Workshop has provided rare opportunities for intense music (especially chamber music) making.

"Workshop 2008 was one of the most magical musical experiences of my life.The combination of a world-class faculty, intense lesson schedule, friendly atmosphere, and wonderful, talented colleagues made for the perfect summer music program. I have never heard of a workshop that offers such a generous schedule of instruction. Professor Hashimoto is the ideal teacher--unflaggingly demanding yet encouraging, serious yet whimsical, utterly brilliant yet down-to-earth. She is a true inspiration. "

- Dory Hayley

"This is the perfect workshop for the real hardcore chamber musicians - a unique opportunity to collaborate with high caliber musicians from around the world!"

- Tomoko Inui

"The Workshop was one the most rewarding musical experiences of my life - intense coaching, rehearsing and practicing plus good opportunities to play, all in a friendly atmosphere. Precious advice from Ms. Hashimoto and the other professors made me progress greatly and broadened my musical understanding."

- Ricardo Sa Leao

「この講習会は大変有意義であり、世界一流の教授陣や才能豊かな若いプロの音楽家と学ぶことの出来る素晴らしい機会です。橋本教授との経験から予想していた通りの情熱的で高い音楽性に満ち溢れた講習会であり、他の教授も大変素晴らしく、刺激的な経験になりました。おかげで、講習会の終了時にはそれまでよりもはるかに豊かな音色と成熟した音楽の解釈を知ることが出来、音楽家として成長したのが自覚できました。コンサートでは暖かい聴衆の前で演奏することができ、また特に素晴らしかったのは世界中から集まった参加者達と知的なディスカッションや音楽や諸々の話題で盛り上がり、彼らと一生友情を深められる友達同士になれたことです。」 (Alissa Cheung)

「この講習会は私の人生の中で最も夢のような音楽経験の一つでした。これは、世界一流の講師陣、非常に充実したレッスンスケジュール、楽しい雰囲気、そして才能ある仲間たちという組み合わせが最高の夏季音楽講習会です。私はこれまでこれほど充実した指導を受けられる講習会を他に聞いたことがありません。橋本教授は理想的な先生です ー 常に要求が高い一方で励ますことを忘れず、真剣である一方で面白い一面もあり、とても聡明である一方で現実的でもある先生です。彼女からは本当にインスピレーションを受けることができます。」(Dory Hayley)


「この講習会は私の人生の中で最も価値のある音楽経験の一つでした。熱心で濃い指導、リハーサル、練習時間、それから人前で演奏する機会が、全てとても和やかな雰囲気のなかで与えられました。橋本教授や他の講師陣からの細かいアドバイスによって、自分自身がとても成長し、また音楽についての理解を広げることができたと思います。」(Ricardo Sa Leao)
