
Welcome to the Sembach/603 Tactical Control Squadron Alumni site!

Please join our Google Groups site located at:


If you would like to join our Group, you will need to have a free Google Account (a Google Email address isn't required). For privacy and anti-spam reasons, we restrict membership only to those who were assigned to the 603 TCS or to a unit at Sembach AB, Germany.

NOTE: there is an excellent Facebook Group with many 603 TCS Alumni here:


There's also a large Sembach AB Alumni group here:


If you aren't on Facebook, please keep reading and join this Google Group.

What is this Google Group?

Our Google Group is both a website and an email list. If you subscribe to the group, the default is that you will receive emails sent by members of the group. You can either send email to the group or receive email from the group from your current email account or you can visit the Group's website and read the group's discussions there (or both). Just remember, if you subscribe to the group, each email you send goes to everyone who is subscribed to the group. If you wish to send a private email to a member of the group, you should use that person's email address (not the Group's address).

After you subscribe to the Group, you can create a profile with basic info about yourself, including a picture, and you can change the settings for how you want your subscription to work with regard to receiving the Group's emails. In addition to Discussions/Email, the Group website has a Member list, an area to Upload/View Files, and other Pages private to Group members.

How do I Join?

Using your web browser, surf to our Group website, here:


If you have a Google Account (you have one if you use GMail) and you're logged in, just click the "Apply for Membership" link. If you aren't signed in, you'll need to click on the "Sign In and Apply for Membership" link. When you apply for membership, you'll be asked for your basic info, like what unit/shop you were part of.

If you don't have a Google Account, you'll need to get one before you can apply for membership. It only takes about 5 minutes.

Click on the "Sign In and Apply for Membership" link.

On this page, in the upper right you'll see a Sign in box. Below that you should see "Don't have a Google Account". Click the link "Create an Account Now".

On this page, fill in all your account details (you can use your existing email account), and press the "Create My Account" button.

You will need to verify your account. You should receive an email at the address you entered, with a link to click on to verify that you own your email address. Once you have verified, your Google Account is ready to go.

You should now be able to sign in to apply for membership to the Group. Please some basic info like your name and the unit/shop you were part of. After you apply, you will have to wait for a Group moderator to approve your membership, so please be patient.

Once you're a subscribed member of the Group, you'll be able to use the features of the Group website to configure how you wish to receive the Group's emails.

To change your membership features, click the "Edit my membership" link in the right column. Set your membership profile to get email the way you prefer, and be sure to set your nickname so we see who you are (and not just your email address).

You should also create a profile so other Members can get basic info about you. To create a profile, click the "Profile" link at the top right area of the page, and Edit your profile with some basic info about you. Please consider uploading a photo so we can see what you looked like "back then" or what you look like now.

Once you're a member, you can invite others to the group. Look for the "Members" link in the right column. After you click that, you'll see a list of members, and a link to invite new members. All you need is their email address.

As a member, you'll be able to read Discussions (emails) between members, including ones from before you became a member.

You can also view Pages on the Group site, and Files which members have uploaded. If you have any photos to share, please feel free to upload them.

If you have any questions about all this or are having trouble getting a Google Account or becoming a member of the Group, please email me (Mike Molloy) at: mike dot molloy at Gmail dot com

We look forward to seeing you on our Group site!