Jim Green Memorial Hall, 25 Riverside Road, St Albans, AL1 1RX  

Would you like to join us?

Unfortunately, our Beaver Colony and Cub Pack are both full, so please don't call Ian, but enter your details on the St Albans District Waiting list at: https://www.stalbansscouts.org/join-the-waiting-list/

Need to get in touch?

If you need to contact Ian Woods, Group Scout Leader, about either 4th St Albans Scouts, or booking the HQ for any meetings/day time parties (not membership enquiries - see below) - please call 01727 857458 or email hall.bookings@4thstalbansscoutgroup.org.uk . 

If you'd like to know more about Scouting in general just visit http://scouts.org.uk/   

For anything else contact us at: enquiries@4thstalbansscoutgroup.org.uk